thought you were sleeping was gonna leave a message - b.a (long)

783 22 2

you and brandon had a fight about 2 weeks ago, it was your first fight so it hit you both pretty hard but thanks to your friends and his forcing y'all to sort it out, it resolved a lot quicker than it would of it was just the two of you.

brandon had been out for the night celebrating how well "lying" was doing as soon as it hit the charts. it was about 4am when your phone rang.

you sighed and itched your eyes "go awaaay"

you then rolled over and covered your face with a pillow hoping it would magically make the ringing stop. it didn't. so, you then roll around and answer it


brandon itches his head "ah sorry to call you so unexpected. thought you were sleeping. was gonna leave a message"

you then sat up and looked at the time "it's 4am. when someone calls at 4am you shouldn't ignore it. now what's up?"

brandon itches his head "well. i kinda fell over at the club and-"

you sighed softly "rescue mission?"

the boys nod "yes code 1" you hear in the background.

you and the boys made 3 codes to use when it came to drinking;

code 3; concussion

code 2; concussion, confusion, blood.

code 1; code two plus lots more blood, needs stitches and could be worse than it seems

you nod "okay okay i'm coming. hand the phone to one of the guys. get them to give me the details"

brandon nods as he holds up the phone "someone"

austin nods as he grabs it "okay we were dancing, we had a few drinks, before we knew it, brandon got into a dance battle, the guy lost and got real well.. real so to speak. brandon had egged him on a little which didn't help. then he was on the ground"

you sighed "bloody b"

austin nods "i know. it would of been like a code 3 fine if he didn't egg him on but."

you nod "but he was drunk and there's no controlling drunk b"

austin nods "exactly. we would call an ambulance but we don't want it to be a big scene so calling you was the best bet"

you nod "on my way. keep an eye on him for signs of concussion"

austin dropped you the pin to the club and you headed over straight away. you knew brandon could start a fight when he wanted, but, he doesn't normally.. so you're not sure what was going on.

you arrived and went straight to brandon "what the hell happened b?! you're a mess. you sugar coated it over the phone for sure"

brandon sighed "it's nothing"

you sighed "you have a cut on your cheek and a very very bruised hand."

nick looks at you "the guy he egged on had a ring on.. that'll explain the cut. and the bruised hand would be from when he faught back"

you nod "thanks nick"

you then sighed and looked at brandon "we needa get you outta here and cleaned up. at least. but i do think you should go to the hospital."

brandon sighed "i'm fine!"

you grab onto brandon's hands "brandon! you're not.."

brandon sighed "fine. but it could be the alcohol."

you sighed "i know it's not just the alcohol. you don't egg someone up for no reason.. did the guys see who it was?" you then look at the guys, they were shaking their heads

so you then helped brandon up off the floor and into the car, and the others ubered together.

you sighed "brandon. who was it?"

brandon looks at his knuckles "your ex."

you sighed "b!"

he pauses then nods "i know. i shouldn't of done that. but i couldn't help it! he hurt you & i wanted to hurt him as soon as i could. and the alcohol i guess just gave me something to blame it on.."

you sighed "i won't say what i'm thinking cause you don't wanna hear that. but just let me take you to the hospital."

brandon nods

you take him into the hospital and he had to have 3 stitches on the cut and had broken one of his knuckles, therefore he needed a cast.

you sighed "so no more drinking and beating my ex up at the club hey?"

brandon nods "100%"

you spent the night with brandon to monitor the pain and be there for him. it was what you needed, although he was hurt, you missed being around his crazy ass

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