its not summer unless you're here.. - b.a (long)

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you and brandon have been together since before the band. but, the distance between y'all isn't easy.

you both have countless memories together. you would fly out to LA from Texas as often as you could. but lately things have been just so crazy you haven't been able to.

you've had a lot of family things happening that's made it hard for you to even go.

your mom and you have been close since day one. your dad isn't around since your mom and him split early high school and from then to now they're both happily remarried.

you don't talk to your dad (luke) and his new partner (lexi). you only have contact with your mom (anne) & her partner (charlie)

you were in your apartment and filming a youtube video when your phone goes off. it's your mom.

you answer "hello?"

your mom sighed "we need to talk"

you itch your head. you knew that wasn't gonna go well. you then respond "everything okay?"

your mom sighed "just. charlie and i will be over soon"

you nod "okay"

you then hung up. you had no idea what to expect. but, you knew it wasn't gonna be good.

about 40 minutes later your mom and charlie arrived.

they walked in

you caught up for about 20 minutes before a bombshell was dropped

your mom looks at you "i'm 3 months pregnant love"

you paused. you had no idea what to do.

you look at charlie who was just nodding

you then look at your mom "i love you. and i'm happy for you"

your mom nods "i love you too"

charlie jumps in "but we need you here"

you sighed "i was gonna spend the summer with b in LA."

charlie sighed "i don't like the kid y/n.. plus she's your mom. you need to be here for you"

you sighed "she's my mom. i know: but you're not my dad. i want to be with my boyfriend over the summer like we planned."

you then walk upstairs.

charlie looks at your mom anne "i'm sorry"

your mom sighed "we should of told her earlier"

charlie nods "i know. but she's here. let's keep her here. not with brandon."

you sighed and looked at your phone and called brandon

he picked up asap.

you sighed "b i can't come for summer"

brandon sighed "why?"

you sighed "mom just said she's 3 months pregnant, charlie won't let me go cause he doesn't like you and wants me here with mom even though she's not due until after summer"

brandon sighed "it's not summer unless you're here"

you sighed and nodded "i know. i'm tryna make my way around it.."

you then heard a knock at your door. it was your mom. she walked in whilst you were still talking to brandon

"love i know you want to go to LA to be with brandon" she walked in and sat on your bed

you sighed "i do. i hardly see him mom.. and he's touring this summer too. i want to experience that with him when i've got the chance."

your mom nods "i know hun. just ignore charlie. you can go. i know how much he means to you"

you smiled softly "thank you mom"

your mom smiled "anytime"

she then walked out of the room. she could hear you and brandon cheering.

she smiled softly looking at charlie who was down the hall "i told you it was best to let her go"

charlie walks up to your mom "she's gonna have a sibling. she better be here for you when that time comes and not with brandon."

your mom smiled "she'll make it work. i trust her"

you smiled after overhearing what your mom said.

it was hard for you. you were happy your mom was pregnant just unfortunately it had to be with charlie. you were happy that you got to spend the summer and tour with brandon like you planned. and when baby arrived, you lived with brandon in LA and then you lived home with your mom and charlie and new baby when you were in texas. in the end. two places to call home, you didn't lose anyone and you gained a baby brother.

couldn't of ended better.

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