i'll wait through your phases - a.p

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growing up he saw every side of you. when he moved to LA, he always said he'd wait through your phases.. it just happened to be more accurate than you excepted.

you and austin have always been hella tight all throughout school, you grew up in the same neighbourhood, hell he lived around the road from you so you've always had him there. when he went to LA, well you went though even more phases.

summer rolled around.

"plans?" edwin looks at austin
"ah not sure. might go home some time; i miss it. but. i'm not sure other than that" he smiled softly.

you had just packed to go to LA. no one knew. you got there.

you weren't expecting much. i mean austin has been with you for everything. but. hopefully he's excited

you then go to the boys place. you went there not long when they had moved in, and that's the last time you saw austin face to face.

you knock on the door

none of the boys got up to answer it. austin looks around "really? i'll get it then"

austin answered the door. you smiled "surprise aust"

austin picked you up and spun you around "what brings you here?!" he then placed you back on the ground

you smiled softly "i miss you & an announcement. plus it's summer & i heard LA is the place to be!"

nick smiled "she's not wrong!"
edwin jumps in "the announcement?!"

austin smiled "yeah! what is it?"

you smiled "i'm moving here. just-"

the boys all got up and hugged you. you looked at them "it's only for the summer. photo shoots behind the camera & in frame. if they like what i do, it'll be permanent"

they all hugged you again

austin smiled "told you i'll wait through your phases? here's a new one!"

you smiled "you did indeed. you never stopped saying that"

austin smiled "but it was right wasn't it?"

you nod "annoyingly, yes"

austin smiled "i'm glad you're back you know. a lot around here has changed !"

he then took you on a house tour. it was definitely different than last time. but, it felt homey.

zion smirks "she living here?" everyone looked at you

you then look at everyone and shrug.

austin smiled "i hope so. she's one my best friends"

zion smirks "hm okay!"

you look at austin "is it okay if i stay here? until i find my feet"

austin smiled softly "yeah of course!!"

you spent a few weeks at the boys place. it was what you needed & what you wanted too. LA bet your expectations. you then decided to visit him more often. y'all soon became official.

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