this was by far the best part of my day - e.h

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you had been having a very very stressful day at work. you had so much going through your mind that you needed to get off. so. you called ed.

he answered asap. "hey bub!! everything okay?!"

you sighed "no. my boss is gonna kill me. he won't stop yelling at me, saying i'm not meeting their standards anymore, that i'm slacking & all kinds of things! i hate it here s-"

you were cut off.

your boss was standing in the door way. "you what?!"

you sighed "i gotta go." you then hung up the call with ed, and mumble "i hate it here."

your boss rolled his eyes & ripped your uniform off of you. it was just a shirt that you would place over your casual clothes.

"get out"

you sighed "but i need this job!"

he shakes his head "but you ain't got it. so go!"

you sighed. and grabbed your bag out of the locker & walk out.

you have a million texts from edwin "where are you?!"
"what happened?"
"y/n. you're scaring me! call me!"

you sighed as you call him "i just lost my job. so much for trying to help y'all out when i can. i'm sorry i know we needed this & i-"

edwin calms you down "hey hey. shhh. i'll send b to come get you, bring you back & we can talk. i gotta get you a few of your favourites & then i'll meet back here!"

you nod "i love you"

edwin smiled "i love you more. b is on his way!"

you nod and just stood there passing back and forth.

you sighed just waiting for b.

brandon pulls up.

"hey! let's go! ed's getting you heaps of food & will meet us at the house!"

you nod and get into the car.

you sighed as you were looking out the window. you look at brandon "is he okay?"

brandon nods "yes, he is.. are you?"

you shrug.

you then got to the boys' place. you walk in. and there on the counter is your favourite foods and snacks, the shoes you've been wanting for ages and a few other small things.

you walk in and look over at edwin "ed you didn't have to do this"

edwin nods "yes i did. i love you."

you look at edwin "wait?-"

you've been friends for awhile, you've always been kind of in the middle with ed. like you weren't just friends like you were with the other guys but y'all weren't dating either.

edwin nods "i love you y/n. will you be my girlfriend?"

you smiled softly and hugged edwin "i'd love too. and i love you too"

you spent a few days over at the boys place, it helped distract you from losing your job. plus, you and edwin are offical now! blessing right there.

PRETTYMUCH IMAGINES BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now