compromise.. trust.. that's what we needed.. we ain't got that - z.k

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zion had just came back home to yours after an night out drinking with the boys to celebrate getting in the top 5 on iTunes for the first time.

you didn't wanna hold him back from celebrating but you also didn't want him to get into trouble. so. you asked nick to watch him when they came to pick him up.

it's about 8pm. the boys' car pulls up. nick walks in.

"hey is he ready?"

you nod "yeah he's just deciding which shoes to wear"
you then itch your head and look at nick "i know i don't wanna seem like a bitch or a pain but can you"
nick nods "yeah i'll keep an eye on him for you"
you smiled "thank you"
nick smiled "anytime. i'll let you know when it's time to drop him off"
you nod as you kiss zion's cheek "behave bub"

zion smirks "i always do!" he then kisses your lips softly before walking out with the boys

you sighed as you saw him walk off "i hope so" you mumbled.

you trust him. you do. but you don't trust drunk him.

he can be very. well a right mess, to say the least.

y'all met when he was drunk, so you had to adjust to the crazy, annoying every day zion but you fell for the... well closed off zion.

later that night.

you were in bed when you heard nick bang on the door as he was trying to drag zion through it "it would help if you'd walk z.. also sorry to be a buzz kill but y/n is gonna kill you when she sees you like this. "

at this point, words aren't even coming out of his mouth.

you sighed and walked downstairs

helping nick by throwing him on the couch.

you look at nick "why would i kill him?"

nick smiled "that's not my place to say. all i can say is he's an idiot!"

obviously this made you worry more.

you smiled at nick "thank you for bringing his ass home"

nick smiled  "it's what i'm here for"

you sighed. you look at zion.

"compromise.. trust.. that's what we needed.. we ain't got that.." you said under your breath
"ah yeah we do" he said under his slurs.

you sighed "really? cause i let you go out, when i didn't want you to. compromise. but. i trusted you. that turned out great for me hey"

zion sighed "y/n"

you sighed "nick made it seem out like something really bad happened z..."

zion shakes his head "i had too much. i fell over, landed on a girl, that's when brandon and nick picked up off of her and threw me in the car.. nothing actually happened"

you sighed "see i'm meant to trust you. but. i don't."

you went to bed. leaving him on the sofa with a bucket and a big bottle of water..

the morning after. zion walks up to your bedroom with pancakes "good morning bub. i promise nothing happened. i love you. only you"

you sighed "z i wanna believe you. i really really do. but drunk you can be very.. i don't know"

zion smiled "i'm not drunk now. not any more. i made sure i wasn't before i came up here. i'm sorry. i'm an idiot i know"

you sighed "i only worry cause you're all i have z. you know that..."

zion nods "i know bub. but you don't have anything to worry about. whatsoever"

you nod "okay. i trust you. but if nick says it's different i will kill you"

zion nods "permission granted"

you smiled softly

zion kisses your hand "now that's what i like to see"

he then sits with you as you eat your breakfast.
you spoke to nick later on that day alone and turns out zion was right. maybe you should trust him. maybe he's more responsible than you thought. who would of known.

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