it'll just take a second to believe in us, to believe in love- z.k (long)

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you've been hurt a lot, so it's very hard for you to trust someone. but, you've always had your one best friend liz beside you.

you had a rough night and stumbled into the apartment you live in with liz. and well. it didn't take her long to click.

you had been drinking so you were pretty far gone. but. liz knew exactly how to get the answers out of you.

"y/n. you need to talk to me. i know you, you don't just walk into the apartment drunk off your head without a reason..."

you sighed. "i'm just. i don't know what i'm doing anymore liz. i trust zion. i love him with my whole heart, but how do i know he won't hurt me?"

liz smiled "i know you y/n. and i know zion. i know he won't hurt you. he can off like a douche. yes. but he's got his heart & mind set on you. there's no doubt there"

you sighed "it feels like there's a lot of people doing me wrong, but you. what's saying he won't?"

liz smiled softly "i know he won't. he wouldn't be around you if he was gonna hurt you"

i sighed "liz..."

liz looks at you "you need to talk to him y/n."

you sighed "i can't liz. i don't wanna lose him.. what if talking to in loses him.. i don't think i can do it."

liz looks at you "hun. i'll take you to his. i'll be there the whole time. i promise"

you nod "okay. i'll get ready. even though i'm not ready"

liz looks at you "it'll be okay"

you get to the boys place. still drunk. you're hoping your handle it alright. but there's only one way to find that out..

you walk in after liz. who was somewhat holding you up as she then places you on the sofa.

liz places you down before waking over to brandon who was in the kitchen "where's z?"

brandon looks at liz then over at you "he's out the back, but is she okay?"

liz shrugs "to tell ya the truth, i don't know... we went out, she drunk a lot. then said she's worried zion will hurt her."

brandon looks at you on the sofa "he won't hurt her.. not on our watch"

liz nods "hopefully not.."

brandon then looks over at you again "i'll go get him. just watch them."

liz nods.

zion then walks back inside and over to you "y/n. what are you doing here?"

you sighed "that's a question for liz"

zion then looks at you "you've been drinking huh?"

you nod "yeah.. but. it's nothing. it's a lot. well i don't know"

zion takes your hands "it'll just take a second to believe in us, to believe in love.."

you sighed ""i've been hurt so many times z! how do i know you won't hurt me like the rest?"

zion sighed as he repeated it again.

you look at zion "i trust you. i do. but you know my history. i don't wanna be hurt again.. especially by you.. since you mean so much to me but i just-"

zion kisses your hand "baby'. calm down. i'm not going anywhere! i can promise you that! you're my best friend, yes. but i love you more than they. i'd do anything to make sure you're happy and safe. especially if you show up drunk."

you look at zion "but why aren't you losing it at me? since i am drunk?"

zion smiled "because i know you don't need that right now."

you smiled "what did i do to deserve you"

zion smiled "come back to me on that one!" he giggled

you smiled and laughed softly "yep he's back!"

zion smiled "there's that laugh" he then kissed you "i love you"

you look at zion "i love you more"

zion smiled softly as he pulled you into a hug and just held you.

he brought you water & a bucket and you both ended up falling asleep on the sofa. it was a good way to end a rough night

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