i know it sounds conceded but you're the one i need most - e.h

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you & edwin have been going through a rough patch the last few weeks, you're not exactly sure why, but you know it kills.

he's been distant.

"i need to talk to you. it's important" texts edwin

you had been getting closer with your best friend blake from high school. and you didn't think that was what was causing all the drama cause you've made sure multiple times that edwin knows he's just a friend. but. maybe it wasn't enough.

you look at blake "i gotta go meet ed. he just texted. i'll see you later?"
blake smiled "yeah of course! goodluck, and i have a freezer full of ice cream if you need!"
you smiled "thank you"

you then drive over to the boys place. and see edwin sitting by the pool and approach him. you stomach was literally in your throat.

"hey.." you stood behind edwin
"hi" edwin looks at you

edwin sighs "i can't do this"
you sighed "you're the one who just started ignoring me outta the blue!"
edwin nods "well yeah. but i didn't do it for nothing"
you look at edwin "why?"
edwin scoffs "seriously?! you've been hanging with that blake dude 24/7! how can i not be mad"
you sighed "ed..."
edwin sighed "i know it sounds conceded but you're the one i need most"
you nod and look at edwin "i need you too..."
edwin scoffs "it doesn't seem like it"
you sighed "ed i can't do this. you know i love you. blake is a mate. i've told you a thousand times...."
edwin nods "well maybe not enough"
you sighed softly "there's nothing between us! blake's like a brother. you're the one i got my eye on. always."

you pull out your phone to check the time. edwin grabs it out of your hand, you had unlocked it already "edwin!"

he ignores you, he then calls blake

blake answers "sup?"
edwin looks at you serious "is there or has there ever been anything between you & y/n?"

blake shakes his head "no ed. she's crazy about you. so crazy that it drives me crazy."

edwin nods and chuckles softly "okay. thank you dude"

you look at edwin "believe me now?"

he threw your phone far enough on the grass that it was out of the "splash zone" before tackling you into the pool "yup i believe you" he smiled softly

you smiled "you're an idiot"
edwin nods "yes maybe. but hey i'm your idiot"
you nod "well true. wouldn't have it any other way"

you both then smile and kiss.

as stupid as the little fight was, it brought y'all closer together & it also got edwin & blake talking. what more could you ask for really!!

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