heart was on the line like all your close friends - a.p (long)

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when you go through a lot like you currently are.. you don't handle it well. let's just say that. you tend to push people away, sometimes it's for good because they just don't even bother trying.. but. when you push austin away.. things get. well. it goes bad.

"you're gonna push me away? okay that's fine! i didn't like having you around anyways" your friend taylor snaps as she shuts the door in your face. well. safe to say she wasn't willing to put up a fight. you started to see a pattern with all of your other friends too.

taylor, ashton, crawford, levi, all handled it the exact same.

your parents just finalised the divorce. it was hurting you more than you expected. you knew it was coming but it didn't make it any easier.

so, you went over to austin's. for what you thought would of been comfort.

it was 3am.

"we love you y/n, what are you doing here so late?" brandon answered the door

you sighed "is aust still up?"

brandon shrugs "i'm not sure. but come in and i'll go check"

brandon let you in and you sat on the sofa. he went up to check to se of austin was awake when nick sat down beside you.

"what's going on?"

you sighed "a lot"

you then start to rant "i guess i'm just not handling it the way i thought i would. i'm pushing people away and the ones i thought that would fight, didn't. and i- well i don't know."

austin heard it all. he then walks over.. he wasn't happy. "you dropped all your friends and now you wanna drop me too?! is that why you're here so late?"

you sighed and started to stutter "no. no no. aust it's not like that.."

austin sighed and shakes his head "talk about heart was on the line like all your close friends... what's gotten into you y/n?"

you sighed as austin started to go back upstairs. he didn't want to hear any of it.

you sighed and then looked at nick "i fucked that one up didn't i?"

nick nods "well you didn't exactly handle it well. but. i'm sure when he knows the whole story he'll be okay"

you sighed "i've known him longer than anyone. longer than taylor, crawford, ashton and levi. i can't lose him now nick... especially when i need him the most."

nick looks at you "does he know that though?"

brandon then jumps back in. where he came from? you had no clue but he was there "i know you just as well as i know austin. you both adore each other. but i think this is something you need to go more in-depth with y/n. not just how you said things to nick?"

nick nods "i agree with b. open up more to austin. he's your boyfriend after all"

you nod "as rare as i say this, y'all are right. thank you"

you then walked upstairs and into austin's room and sighed "aust.. we have to talk."

austin nods "you think? i wanna talk to you after overhearing you dropping everyone once something gets hard?"

you sighed "i definitely deserve that one..."

you then continued "austin. i love you. this is just a lot harder than i thought." you started to play with your t-shirt. it was something you did when you got nervous.

"mom and dad's divorce is officially finalised and it just got on top of me. i went to go see taylor and everyone and they didn't bother trying to be there for me. which then caused me to snap, then taylor kicked me out.. and i came over here and i just. i didn't wanna lay it all on you aust.." you sighed again 

austin sighed "i didn't realise it went into action"

you sighed and nod "it did. a few days ago.. that's why i'm so. well yeah.."

austin hugs you "i love you. i'm sorry."

you sighed "it's okay.. i'm sorry i scared you."

austin smiled kissing your forehead "it's okay. as long as you're okay"

you shrug "not exactly but still"

austin smiled "that's okay babe"

you nod. you spent the rest of the day with austin. well, from 3am you did. it made you feel better though, having him there. even through you didn't.

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