we used to talk about the future like its coming.. - e.h

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edwin cheated on you. with a groupie on tour.
when you found out.. it tore him & obviously you apart.

you were arguing about it.

you sighed "ed! we used to talk about the future like it's coming!"
edwin nods "i know i'm an idiot!"

you sighed "yeah. you are."

you walked out & started to get closer to your guy friend landon. you would post snaps of y'all together and it would really anger edwin. you & landon weren't dating, he was just a very flirty guy. and he always has been but since you & edwin broke up, he's been extra flirty.

nick looks at edwin "bro did you see-"
edwin cuts him off & raises his voice "her & landon?! how couldn't i"
brandon sighed "sorry dude"
zion nods "yeah man. i think you should talk to her still. no point accusing her of something if she didn't do it"
austin didn't say anything but still nods

edwin sighed. "fine."

edwin called.
you answered "h-" before you could even say hi he cut you off.
"you said this love was different! i wish i would have listened!" you could hear his voice breaking.

you sighed "edwin i never-"

edwin sighed "payback. i get it."

you sighed "no it's not like that at-"
he hung up.

you decided to go to the boys place.

"edwin it's not like that! landon is a flirty ass guy as it is. he just was more open about it since we broke up i guess"

edwin sighed "y/n! i saw how he looked at you. that's exactly how i would look at you"

you sighed "edwin. he wouldn't even look at me for more than 2 seconds. you looked at me all the time"

you then giggled "in fact you never stopped looking at me!"

edwin smiled "yeah that's true"

you smiled "there's nothin between landon & i. he's a friend. that's all."

edwin nods "so can we just put all this behind us? please?"

you nod "yeah. 100%. one condition"

edwin smiled "fire away!"

you nod "you make a edwin original denim jacket"

edwin nods "done & dusted!"

you smiled "then we're good"

edwin smiled hugging and kissing you asap.

you couldn't help it. he did wrong. yeah. but so did you letting landon get that close. you both noticed your mistakes, came back together & were good as new!

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