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Hey guys! Today will be sharing with you some research Ive complied together may help you to understand your body better. It helped me along the way as well, hope it does for you too.

Do take note that I am not a nutritionist, I learn things based on what is online! links are provided below if you want to visit the original website.


Our bodies are just like power stations. Power stations need fuels such as gas or coal to generate energy and keep going. In this case, what our bodies need is food. We need food to generate energy to carry on with our daily activities.

To generate energy, it undergoes a process called metabolism.

Metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy

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Metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. During this complex biochemical process, calories in food and beverages are combined with oxygen to release the energy your body needs to function.

Your metabolism speeds up after you eat in an effort to digest food and turn it into energy. Therefore, eating more often can raise your metabolism and speed up your weight loss. However, to avoid packing on the pounds, you want these meals to be smaller in size and calories.


The standard model of weight loss is calories in vs calories out

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The standard model of weight loss is calories in vs calories out. If you consume more calories per day than what you burn, you will gain weight; by burning more calories per day than you take in, you will lose weight. Having a calorie restriction is important in order to reach your goal weight.

Research indicates people who used starvation diets for weight loss, eating 50% of their energy needs for three weeks, did decrease their body weight overall. However, they also reduced their lean muscle mass by 5%. If the state of starvation is maintained chronically, lean muscle mass and organ size are decreased by 20%.

Likewise, a study on mice found lean mass and lean muscle mass were sacrificed during starvation; however, body fat stores were relatively the same in mice on a control diet and obese mice on starvation diets.

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