Chapter 21

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Looks like there isn't much I have to say so here's the next chapter...

         "You insolent worm. You can't expect to defeat me without a weapon. You'll die for your stupidity," Ikari barely managed to say as he recovered from the attack (y/n) had successful landed. The oddest thing about the situation was that Ikari was on the ground and struggling to stand and still somehow thought he was the one in control of the situation. "You can't be serious. This guy's dumb," (y/n) thought before kicking Ikari in the side.

         With Lu and Ciel gone, (y/n) was free to do whatever he wanted but seeing Ikari in such a pitiful state made him desire revenge less and less. It was almost embarrassing to know that this demon had been the one to attack (y/n) and get away with it all those years ago. Ikari suddenly disappeared, turning into vanishing ashes before appearing behind (y/n) at a pretty far distance.

        "Yeah, I don't have time for this. Just don't touch Vapor again and we'll call it even," (y/n) decided with a huff of annoyance. How had Ikari kept up with Lu and Ciel so easily? Had the duo tired him out or was Ikari just that weak and making Lu amd Ciel weaker? "The fox's power has made you strong...but I shall prevail against you and take what is mine," Ikari growled as he stood up and pointed his sword at (y/n) who deadpanned in irritation.

        "Didn't you just hear me? I don't have time for this. How did you end up in this sad situation? You know what, don't answer that. Zhu isn't yours and I'm leaving. Try not to get yourself killed on the way out," (y/n) said as he turned his attention away from Ikari and walked away. He had to lean to the right to avoid Ikari's sword attack and swiftly landed another punch to the demon's throat. Ikari fell to his knees and struggled to regain air.

        "Honestly, I'm going to have to have a talk with Lu and Ciel about their strategy. You shouldn't have been so problematic," (y/n) muttered before continuing his walk. "To think you made me do'll regret making a fool of me!" Ikari could be heard yelling. His voice was becoming annoying to even hear at that point. "Zhu, could I borrow you for a moment. I need to get away from this maniac as soon as possible. And no, I'm not running from a battle, I'm just trying to keep my sanity," (y/n) thought before he turned around to face Ikari.

        He flinched when he saw that Ikari was suddenly far more intimidating than he was just a second or two ago. "When did you get on steroids?!" (y/n) yelped. No one should undergo such a quick change in appearance like that. "I would be lying if I told you that your father asked me the same thing before I killed him," Ikari taunted. Even his voice sounded different but at that point, (y/n) didn't care.

        He had not witnessed his father's death who had gone to the front lines of the initial battle to protect the village. He had been blissfully ignorant of the details of his father's death and wanted it to remain that way but this idiot ruined that. (Y/n)'s hand clenched into a fist but he stayed still and stared at the murderer in front of him. "I've already made up my mind. You aren't worth my time. I don't have to worry about getting revenge on you when you aren't even a real threat," (y/n) calmly said.

          He meant that. Besides, if he really wanted to, he could take Ikari's soul with a single bite. "That isn't what your inner desire is telling me. I can see it, that growing rage within you. Let it grow...let it consume you. And when you've lost yourself in a blind fit of rage, I'll be here to end your miserable worthless life. You think I'm weak don't you? Why don't you come over here and test that. I assure you it won't be as easy as last time to disarm me," Ikari growled.

          Ikari wasn't entirely wrong about (y/n)'s growing anger but Zhu had the power to intantly calm anyone with a mere command. (Y/n) had plenty of practice staying calm in a variety of situations. "Don't turn away from me," Ikari snapped and shot forward to attack (y/n) who had indeed turned his back to the demon. (Y/n) was startled to find that Ikari was much faster than anticipated.

         (Y/n) had to catch the blade between his hands to keep himself from being cut by his sword. "On second thought Zhu, I might need a little support. He just got a lot stronger if not any smarter," he thought in alarm. Ikari cut (y/n)'s hands as he pulled his sword away from him but with Zhu not too far away, the cuts immediately began to heal. Either way, the event irritated him but there was no way he'd willingly fall for Ikari's trap.

         "Underestimate me if you want to. You'll only end up like you sister whose life I ended. The poor girl was so close to dead that she was confused and thought I was there to help. She asked me if you had gotten away. I specifically remeber her asking for you. I lied of course before kiling her. She never suspected a thing," Ikari sneered as he continued to attack despite (y/n) narrowly dodging each attempt made to harm him.

         (Y/n) finally found the opportunity to put some space between him and his opponent and didn't hesitate to take it, landing a scratch across Ikari's arm before he could attack again. "Now you're just making things up," (y/n) growled once he was able to stand without being attacked. "Am I?" Ikari asked but it was painfully obvious that he was lying. "(Y/n), what's going on there? Ikari's soul has changed entirely. Is it even still him?" Zhu asked within (y/n)'s mind.

          "Yes, it's still him. I'm going to punch him in the throat again if he keeps spitting nonsense. When are you getting here?" (y/n) replied as he prepared to dodge Ikari's next attack. The demon was now flying and that bothered (y/n) just a little. He would have to put in a little more effort to take him down now. He hadn't noticed until Zhu pointed it out but Ikari's soul had indeed changed. If (y/n) didn't finish this battle soon, he had a bad feeling that something he didn't like would happen.

Without anything else left to say...until next time you col readers!

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