Chapter 13

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Binge write week is over but I still have another chapter of plot continuing storyline!

        (Y/n) used his healing ability to make sure everyone else in the team was okay before he healed Trockta's injuries, including the scratch across the eye he'd been given. "If you must know, the only thing I did help you with was the healing since that's my ability. You shouldn't doubt your power," Zhu said once (y/n) had finished restoring everyone to a healthy condition. "Yeah whatever," (y/n) accidentally muttered aloud.

        "Y-you actually heard me?!" Aisha yelped for she wasn't very far from him. "Did I?" (y/n) said, just as confused as Aisha was. "She said for a scary person you sure are pretty reliable in a battle. I don't think she was actually talking to you but your response to me was out loud and she seems to think you heard her speaking," Zhu explained. Aisha just shook her head at him and quickly walked away back to her comrades. They left the question to him so he stayed near Trockta to start the interogation of sorts.

        "Thank you again, (y/n). I know we didn't originally meet on the best if terms but you've saved me and all Trocks of this land," Trockta said. "Past is the past. All I want to know is why you were acting so strangely and why you helped Anduran get kidnapped. It's important that you tell the truth or you'll be meeting that friend of mine that you didn't like too much last time," (y/n) said. Right to the point, just like he liked it.

        Trockta flinched at the mere indirect mentioning if Zhu and (y/n) gave him a look of mischeif to add to the intimidation affect. "It wasn't my fault. She came here promising to give us Trocks back the land that the Caluso tribe took from us many years ago. I believed her and she gave me that dark amulet that you destroyed. It was too late when I realized that she was controlling me with it. The harpies have likely already taken Anduran to help her revive Behemoth!" Trockta said.

        "You don't seem to be lying but you didn't tell me who this her is," (y/n) said making sure his eyes glowed with Zhu's emerald color. "Karis! Her name was Karis. I don't know who she is or where she came from but that's all I know!" Trockta frantically said. It didn't seem lile Trockta was lying so (y/n) simply shrugged before giving his response.

        "Alright. Glad we were able to communicate properly for once. I think it's for both of our best interests that you tell the Trocks to stand down while we're on our way out. My new uh...I guess you could call them teammates; they're out there fighting for their lives so that would be nice. We'll be leaving now. We'd prefer that we aren't followed as well," (y/n) said.

        He sounded completely nice and nonhostile if you were only hearing the second part of the conversation just as the four members of the Search Party were. Had any of them heard the first half or been near them to see the clear theat displayed in (y/n)'s eyes, one might think that (y/n) was itching to end Trockta's life but (y/n) only wanted it to seem that way. He never intended to actually kill the Trock chieftain.

         "We're done here. Let's head back to where the others are," (y/n) announced as he turned back to face everyone. No one moved even as Teockta began to leave. "What? I don't bite allies. Let's go," (y/n) said tilting his head at the four very unreadable people in front of him. "Sorry. We didn't mean to stare it's just..." Aisha began but didn't finish her words. "You could have just told us that you're a fox like Ara," Add muttered as he turned and headed after Trockta.

        "Excuse me? I am nothing like that human serving vixen! Humans serve me!" Zhu snapped. "I'm not a fox," (y/n) and Ara said at the same time. She and (y/n) glanced at each other breifly before following after Add with Ain and Aisha following. It wasn't long before they arrived back with everyone else where (y/n) explained everything alongside Trockta. They left the Trock's lair soon afterwards and noticed just how late in the day it was getting.

        "(Y/n), do you know any good spots to camp out at?" Elsword asked. (Y/n) took a quick look around before answering. "Practically anywhere will due for now since the Trocks can't attack us for the time being," (y/n) concluded. Elsword nodded in understanding and kept leading the team. "I think it's best that we get as close to Sander as we can before making camp," Rena said. "Indeed. The news that we diovered is rather important," Eve said.

         The group began to talk among themselves as they walked but (y/n) didn't really pay much attention to their conversations. He suddenly found himself reacting to someone trying to touch him having caught hold of their hand before their fingers made contact with him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," Aisha yelped. (Y/n) quickly let her wrist go, not bothering to apologize since she shouldn't have been trying to touch him to begin with.

        "You wouldn't answer Rena so I tried getting your attention," she muttered in explanation. (Y/n) didn't care though. He'd been deep in though not really focusing on anything in particular and now his mind was all over the place thanks to Aisha suddenly interrupting his unorganized thoughts. "Ain tells me that you saved everyone from Trockta while he was under control. Thank you for that," Rena said.

        (Y/n) shrugged. "It would be wrong to have let them die or get hurt knowing I could easily take down the threat," he muttered. "You say that like it was troublesome for you to do," Rena said with a smile, obviously trying to tease him. Perhaps she did such with her teammates but (y/n) wasn't the type to play along with such antics. On the other hand, he wasn't entirely certain if the task was troublesome or not so he stayed silent.

         "(Y/n)...why are you so mysterious? We know nothing about you since you've refused to tell us and you even hold back during battle. Don't think I didn't notice the strain you were putting yourself up under while you faught. I don't know how you faught while I wasn't around but you certainly were hiding a degree of your abilities from us. Do you not trust us?" Rena said. (Y/n) sighed. Of course that question would eventually be asked.

        "To be honest, I only trust three people in this world and you've only met one of them," (y/n) said. No sugar coating anything. They needed to hear the truth. "How could you not trust people that you fight along side. You were just depending on Add, Ara, Ain, and Aisha in our fight earlier. How rude of you to say such a thing," Eve commented being the very judgemental nasod queen she was.

        "I don't care how rude you think it is. I have my reasons for my actions. I don't need you guys going around and becoming like everyone else in this world once they know everything there is to my story. I don't have time for anymore let downs," (y/n) growled. "(Y/n) might have said too much," Zhu quietly said in (y/n)'s mind. "Well they asked about me so I gave them what they wanted. It's not my fault if they can't handle it," (y/n) thought as he picked up his walking speed, getting ahead of everyone.

        "We didn't know...I'm sorry," Elesis apologized on the team's behalf. "Well now you have an idea. Next time, don't keep asking," (y/n) said. He kept ahead of them until they settled down for camp and even then, he kept his distance waiting until everyone had finally gone to sleep during the darkest hours of the night. "You're cutting it close with that timing of yours. Any later and you'd have risked your own soul," Zhu warned as (y/n) released him.

         "Head back to Sander. It's best that way. I'll meet you there," (y/n) thought. "Will you be alright on your own?" Zhu asked. "I'm not some kid. I can take care of myself. It isn't the first time you've gone off without me before," (y/n) replied with slight agitation. "This time is different. You've been thinking a lot about your past lately. It's starting to affect you more than you let on," Zhu said stepping in front of (y/n) so that he could see the worry slightly displayed in the fox's eyes.

        "You should go before someone see's you," (y/n) thought, avoiding Zhu's gaze. Zhu nudged him a bit before walking away, his fur eventually making him blend into the night. A sudden breeze sent a chill through (y/n) and he began to feel a sense of dread. It was the same one he'd felt before his fight in the Trock's lair but now it was worse. He could tell that whatever was going on was leading him to a future where he'd get hurt somehow.

Who says I can't binge write even after bringe write week? I'll keep binge writing until I feel like stopping! Until next time you awesome readers!

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