Chapter 5

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I wonder what's going to happen now. As the author, I should really know these things but whatever...

        "He took both of them down on his own and didn't get a scratch on him," Vegar could be heard saying from oitside of the new tent. (Y/n) recognized his voice now but what did it matter? He was tied up again with extra ropes for reinforcement. If he really wanted to, (y/n) could simply escape. The inside of the smaller tent was empty aside from the sand, and (y/n) was getting pretty bored having stayed there for the past fifteen minutes.

        "Well they're afraid of you. That's for sure," Zhu muttered.

        "I'm sure it's you they're afraid of, not me. I'm not a nine tailed soul sucker," (y/n) thought.

        "You sure did look like one not too long ago. They should be glad we saved their little village," Zhu said.

        "You forgot that we're the reason the village was attacked in the first place," (y/n) sighed. A sudden noise caught his attention and he looked as far behind him as he could only to see that Star had snuck in through the back of the tent. It seemed like he'd dug through the sand to be able to fit under the well built tent.

        "Before you say anything, I'm not here to free you. They're probably going to do that anyway," Star whispered.

        "I didn't ask you to. Why are you in here? Won't you get into trouble or something?" (y/n) whispered back.

        "Maybe, maybe not. I just wanted thank you for saving my life is all. Don't let the apology go to your head though. I still don't trust you!" Star whispered with a slight frown.

         "Star, leave him alone!" Vegar could be heard saying from outside of the tent.

        Star flinched and quickly scrambled back the way he came leaving (y/n) in solitude again. He stared back at the tent's front and only real entrance and waited for Vegar or someone to walk in. Just as expected, Vegar walked into the tent but someone unfamiliar followed him in. "Did he give you a name?" the stranger asked Vegar who simply shook his head.

        "This is our cheif, Karu. He wants to know your name," Vegar said.

        (Y/n) looked to Vegar with narrowed eyes. "Why should I tell you my name when you're probably just going to kill me? Until I'm told what's going to happen to me, you aren't getting any valuable information," (y/n) said. The cheif Karu nodded for some strange reason.

        "He is a smart one but he cannot stay. Pack him a bag and have him leave the village immediately," Karu said and promptly stepped out.

        "Just cause I'm different doesn't mean I'm a threat," (y/n) muttered.

        "Not a threat but a potential ally. We can't have you associated with us or else you'll be included with us whenever we're targeted. He wants me to send you to Sander. It's practically an oasis there," Vegar said.

        "Still, don't you think it's a bit harsh? Well, no. Of course you don't. You live here," (y/n) said with a sigh. "Hey, Zhu, I'm getting tired of these ropes. Could you help me out?"

         "No. You can do it yourself. My power is your power we share the same soul at the moment so you can access my power on your own. Besides, you broke the ropes by yourself the first time. I supoose you don't know your own strength when you aren't thinking about it," Zhu replied.

        (Y/n) suddenly had the urge to look up and see that Vegar was glaring at him. "Don't," he warned.

        "I didn't even do anything," (y/n) said with an eye roll but wondered how Vegar had known he was about to try taking the ropes off of hinself.

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