Chapter 16

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I'm almost halfway done with this book. If I get to the twentieth chapter soon enough, I might be able to binge write this book in no time...

        No one had said a word as they traveled, running now that they were behind schedule. The cut was still evident on (y/n)'s face but no one had cared to take it into consideration. Raven and Chung made things so tense that the sun had a hard time getting to them. The group was dividen between two sides of a story that shouldn't have even been their business in the first place.

        Everyone had remained silent ever since then and it was perfectly fine with (y/n) but likely bither some of the others. They were very close to the Caluso tribal village now but even so, they had not discussed a tactic to get them safely through the village to find Emirate and talk to the cheif. But before one jumps to this part of the situation, how about we do a rewind to prior events so that the full story could be told...

[Earlier that day]
        (Y/n) sprang awake, his senses having been thrown into panic as he barely avoided a potential burn. Burns were hard to deal with in the hot desert heat and (y/n) didn't have Zhu around to heal such a burn. He ended up in a defensive position, eyes aglow and nails sharpened just enough to break skin if he decided to attack anything or anyone. "Hey! Watch where you're aiming! You nearly fried me!" (y/n) snapped at Elesis who was looking rather angry.

        She had been the one to attack him. Actually...she as well as Rena and Raven were looking upset. And then there was Ain who seemed confused. Chung stayed silent and averted everyone's gaze as if he knew something he shouldn't know. And then there was Ara who seemed like she wanted to stop what was happening but hadn't been given the opportunity to speak her mind. "You've got to be kidding me," (y/n) muttered once he had assessed the situation.

         "So you did have that fight with Eun last night while we were alseep. And you harmed Ara. She says that you made Eun swear not to tell anything that was discussed," Elesis said with a flame ignited in her hand. "So what? Eun attacked me. Do I not have the right to fight back?" (y/n) growled. It was happening again. These people were jumping to conclusions without all the evidence just as everyone else usually did.

        "Chung heard everything that happened last night and yet he refused to speak a word about it. Who exactly are you for you to need so much secrecy?" Raven said. He seemed to be trting to intimidate (y/n) with his glare but (y/n) was not afraid of a mere look. Perhaps if glares could burn hikes into people, then he might be worried. "That's none of your business, I told you that already. I'm no one special anyway," (y/n) growled.

        He still hadn't moved an inch and was ready for a fight if necessary but he did want the situation to escalate. He'd finally gotten used to being around others and had listened carefully to them as they spoke among one another just the other day. Vapor had been right to force him into going since it had built his tolerance for people but now all of that was crumbling away with every sentence spoken against him. "Chung...did you really hear everything that happened?" (y/n) asked.

        Chung flinched when he was mentioned but looked (y/n) in the eyes nevertheless. They full of uncertainty and unease. "I won't say a word about what I heard. I respect you wishes to have your information kept private," Chung said with a nod. He was immediate met with outlash from his teammates. "How could you take his side if things. For all we know, he could be a part of everything that's been going on with Sander. Vapor told us that she doesn't even know his origin story so why would you trust anything he says?" Elesis spoke.

        "You asked Vaoor about me?" (y/n) inquired, surprised that they would take such measures to know about his past. "Elsword was curious. He said you seemed sad all of the time and hid it pretty well so Vapor told him that she didn't know too much about you that could help," Ara spoke up. Everyone was surprised to hear her speaking including Ain who was still sort of lost.

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