Chapter 10

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Back with another chapter as promised...

        "It's just as you suspected. She is definitely of the Haan family. How she survived is beyond me. She fights like one, that's for certain," Zhu said.

        "I'd rather you not talk about that right now. I just want to know why Vapor didn't let me go inside with everyone else," (y/n) thought as he lay on the roof of Vapor's shop. The El Search Party, as they call themselves, were currently inside Vapor's shop as she interrogated the captured Trock officer. Earlier (y/n) had heard cries of anguish that certainly weren't human which only meant that Vapor got her way with the interrogation.

        "Hey...umm, I forgot your name, but could you get down from the roof now?" Aisha asked having just exited Vapor's shop. (Y/n) boredly looked down at her and huffed in annoyance. He did as he was asked only because he had nothing else to do, but hopefully Aisha wasn't about to tell him that Vapor wanted him to go with them again. "We have another quest. We need to search the Trock hideout for Anduran and talk to the Trock cheiftan. If she isn't there, we'll report back here first and go confront the harpies," Aisha explained.

        "Of course it was another quest. What else would it be?" (y/n) thought.

        "Hold on a second. I need to speak to Vapor. Everyone out," (y/n) said as he walked into Vapor's shop.

        "What? You can't kick us out. You have no rights to do so," Eve said. (Y/n) shot Vapor a clear warning look meaning that he wouldn't hesitate to throw Zhu in the mix of things if he didn't get his way. Selfish? Perhaps, but it got the job done.

        "Everyone, let me have a moment with him please," Vapor sighed as she pushed up her glasses. Everyone reluctantly left although (y/n) didn't miss the glance of suspicion he got from Lu.

        "I'm not going with them again. I get that you want me to associate with people again, but I'm not ready for that. I want my life to stay the way it is," (y/n) said.

        "How did you even know I wanted to send you with them permanently?" Vapor asked.

        "Because I know you. You'll keep sending me with them so they can get used to me, and then you'll tell them that I'm going to go with them," (y/n) growled. He really didn't like it when Vapor intruded into his personal life.

        "I'm going to do just that actually. And you will be going with them," Vapor said.

         "No. I will not," (y/n) firmly stated. Vapor raised an eyebrow at his words.

        "Oh really? Well they did mention they've had a couple of run ins with demons. Perhaps they'll run into a particular one later on in their travels," Vapor said with a small smirk. Yes, (y/n) had told Vapor certain details about his past over the years which he had grown to regret. She knew what she was doing by mentioning that. (Y/n) and Zhu both had a personal grudge against the demon by the name of Ikari.

        "It's a rather tempting offer. Who knows, maybe you'll get over your fear of being around too many people," Zhu thought.

         "I do not have a fear of being around people, I just don't like being around too many people! That doesn't make it a fear!" (y/n) snapped at Zhu.

        "I'm assuming Zhu thinks it's a good idea," Vapor said.

        "Zhu didn't say anything," (y/n) lied. Vapor, of course, didn't seem to believe him.

        "Just go with them. If you absolutely hate them, I'll consider letting you go free, but if you show any signs of wanting to stay with them, I'm making you go. It will at least give you a chance to start off fresh. Don't let Zhu get out of hand again like that one time during that incident," Vapor said.

        (Y/n) sighed at the mentioning of that certain event, wanting to change the subject before Vapor said anything else. "Will you be okay without me around?" he asked.

        "Why wouldn't I? I was okay before you were here and I'll be just fine afterwards!" Vapor said with a slight frown, yet now she was the one lying.

        "If you say so. I have a group of new allies to go talk to outside so I'll be seeing you once we return from our mission," (y/n) said flashing a grin at Vapor.

        "You better return safely. The Trocks are large in number and you're going right into their main lands. Don't take this lightly," she spoke.

        (Y/n) shrugged. "I guess they'll have to meet Zhu a little earlier than anticipated then. If I'm in too much danger, he won't hesitate to make an appearance." Vapor sighed clearly still worried which was a bit unusual for her. (Y/n) went outside without worry knowing that Zhu had prevented anyone from listening in on their conversation for it was another one of his abilities in a way.

        "You better not have hurt Vapor. Your stupid power or whatever it is was too much for us to be around," Lu said as she walked towards the shop.

        "I didn't want any of you listening. What else was I supposed to do? Vapor is perfectly fine if you're wondering, so we can all leave," (y/n) said once again gaining his nonchalant attitude of things. A few within the group gave him looks that clearly showed suspicion, but Elsword in particular seemed not to have a problem with anything. Then (y/n) noticed Ara staring at him. She looked away the moment he spotted her.

         "You think she knows?" Zhu asked.

        "Nah, there's no way she does. I look like I hail from Sander, and I don't think I have any dead giveaways of my origin like she does. Plus they didn't see me fight, so she wouldn't know about my family's fighting techniques. I'd say my secret is safe for now," (y/n) thought.

        "If it's okay with you, we'd like for you to lead the way again. Since you're familiar with things around here, it would be best. I'd probably just get everyone lost," Elsword somewhat requested.

        "Sure thing. Just make sure you keep up. It'll take some time to get there, so I won't be going slow," (y/n) warned. He had already began walking away.

        "Just how far will we be going?" Chung asked.

        "That's for me to know and all of you to find out. Now lest go. We have all day, but I don't want to take that long," (y/n) answered. He glanced back at the group seeing their various expressions. One thing was for sure though. He would have a hard time gaining a majority of their trust.

        "So much for a fresh start. They already think I'm a backstabber. You'll have to be careful around them when you appear later on today for the remainder of your time out in the open, Zhu," (y/n) thought.

        "It wouldn't entirely hurt you to skip a day," Zhu proposed rather quietly.

        "Not a chance," (y/n) nearly snapped aloud but caught himself. Zhu knew better than to suggest such a thing.

        "(Y/n), do you know any effective ways to fight against the Trocks. They're a new enemy to us but maybe you know some effective tactics that could help us out," Chung asked.

        "You're asking me for advise? I don't have a weapon, so my methods won't work the same way for you. You know that, right?" (y/n) said.

        "Even so, any information will be helpful," Elesis said, jumping into the conversation. No doubt, they'd been planning on how to get him to talk while he walked ahead of them. He didn't appreciate it, but he'd play along for the time being.

         (Y/n) shared his knowledge of the Trocks as he led them to the Trock's lair. As he led them though, he got a bad feeling about how things were going to play out when they got there. Whatever it was, he was sure he wouldn't like it, yet he kept going on as if he noticed nothing since he was already deemed suspicious by those he was allied with.

Usually I'd have more action in a story like this. I don't know what's going on with my ideas but I need to fix this problem so until next time you unparalleled readers!

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