Chapter 20

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There's only one thing left to do in a situation like this...don't really know what that one thing is but I know it exists...

        Imagine being attacked while going inhumanly high speeds through the inside of a beast that is stuck in the baking heat of the desert sun. Actually no...don't do that. (Y/n) didn't have to since that's exactly what he was doing at the moment. Zhu cleared a majority of the path leaving behind a few creatures to be slain by the soul stealing, calm yet angry desert dweller. Weird description but that isn't the point at the moment.

        His injury from the Caluso village was fully healed niw thanks to Zhu so the pain he had been ignoring no longer held him back. (Y/n) was very close to arriving at the scene where the only three demon souls were located. It must have been Lu and Ciel that had followed and now fought Ikari and a single human could be sensed not far from where they were. It was likely Vapor if not another member of the El Search Party.

        "I'll support you in any way that I can. Right now, you need to get ahead of me. These idiots aren't going to wait around and let you fight Ikari alongside Lu and Ciel so someone will have to take them all down or at least hold them back," Zhu said as he continued to run. It was the first thing the fox had said after refusing to answer (y/n) regarding that certain matter.

         As much as (y/n) wanted to be stubborn amd ignore the fox's words, he knew he couldn't afford to do that at the moment. Besides, he owed Zhu a beating anyway so he'd just do that later. "You better not let any of them through," (y/n) said before doing his best to increase his speed to pass Zhu. Being on front of the fox now meant he had to dodge the enemies and their attacks while keeping up his speed but it was no problem for him.

         Sure, it might be a little tiring but Zhu was there to help with an almost endless supply of energy. It want long before he spotted Ikari battling against Lu and Ciel. He was doing well to counter their precise teamwork but he wouldn't be able to handle a third attacker as fast as (y/n) was. The trio faught on a large platform as if Behemoth was just some large set up complete with stages specifically for battle.

        That seemed way too cliché to (y/n) but he was more worried about his objective than the specifics of the battle. Then again, he was a bit concerned about Ikari being so...maybe the word was scrawny but either way, he didn't seem as intimidating as he did last time (y/n) was close to death and saw him. Other than that, he could care less about battle specifics.

          Vapor was at the edge of the platform on Ikari's side and she was close to falling off. It was clear that she was unconscious but other than that, Vapor was unharmed. Ikari didn't seem to notice (y/n)'s presence yet or rather, he hadn't acknowledged his presence. Either way, (y/n) decided to take the chance and go strait for Vapor. He was close, nearly within reach, when Ikari appeared in the way holding his weapons of choice, a sword.

        What was with people and swords? Was that the only weapon people thought of when they needa weapon? (Y/n) landed right in front of Ikari and ducked just in time to avoid being potentially cut in half before he jumped back and put some distance between them. "So kimd of you to join us in this battle, (y/n). He's been asking for you. I didn't think you'd appear so suddenly," Lu said. Ciel was by her side but was unable to fire at Ikari since he didn't want to risk hitting Vapor.

        "So you finally arrived, (y/n) of the Zhen family. Have you finally come to terms with you unavoidable death?" Ikari said with a smirk. (Y/n) ignored him. "What's he been saying? I'm guessing he's the type to taunt you during battle. I hate those kinds of fiends," (y/n) said to Lu. Ikari flinched in surprise and irritation at his action. "You guessed it correctly. Not only that but he doesn't shut up," Ciel muttered with a sigh.

         "You ignorant fools! Do not ignore me!" Ikari snapped. "Oh great. He likes name calling too. Yeah, this is going to be agitating," (y/n) said to Ciel. Ikari had dashed forward by then, propelling himself forward with his bat-like wings. Lu and (y/n) dodged while Ciel took on the defensive role, canceling Ikari's attacks with the blades of his riffles. "He wasn't letting us get anywhere near Vapor bit with you here, I'm sure we can rescue her," Lu said.

         It was a bit surprising to (y/n) for her to say something like that since Lu had been the first to openly state her distrust of him. "Got a plan?" he asked her. "Yeah, attack," she said before leaping into action to help Ciel who seemed to be in a little danger. Ikari must have figured out the duo's attack pattern while he faught them. With Ikari occupied, (y/n) went to Vapor again.

          This time he was successful and picked up his caregiver before she could accidental fall from the ledge that she was so close to. (Y/n)'s instincts warned him to quickly lean left but instead, he jumped left to avoid harming Vapor in the process of dodging what he assumed was an attack. He had been correct. Ikari had somehow pushed Lu and Ciel back and rushed to attack him.

         "You sure are persistent. Your skills are a bit lacking for you to be the villain but that's okay. I didn't want to waste too much effort fighting you anyway," (y/n) mockingly muttered, keeping his eyes on Ikari all the while. His words clearly wnraged Ikari but the demon didn't move which worried (y/n) just a bit. He was really expecting Ikari to be one of the stupid ones that recklessly rushed in for an attack after being insulted.

        "You won't have to worry about uaing any skill against me. You'll be dead," Ikari shot back right before Lu nearly scratched him in the face. He was quick but (y/n) was quicker and would definatley prove it once he got Vapor to safety. "Lu, you and Ciel need to get Vapor out of here. I'll handle this demon from the past on my own," (y/n) said. "That isn't a good idea. He's not one to be faught without help," Ciel said as he shot at Ikari to make the demon keep his distance.

        "Let the boy do as he pleases Ciel. It will be his fault if he dies here. It's clear that this one hold a grudge against him so we musnt interfere," Lu said as she jumped back and landed near them. "Very well then. I'll take Vapor to safety. We'll return once that is done," Ciel reluctantly said. "None of you are getting away," Ikari growled. (Y/n) simply rolled his eyes at the demon as he handed Vapor over to Ciel.

         "I got this," he muttered before using his speed to his advantage to appear in front of Ikari. He casually stood there for a moment, looking at Ikari's surprised expression before punching him in the throat. "Zhu, this is going to ne a boring fight. Why don't you go help the others," he thought now knowing that Zhu could hear every word of it.

Yeah I got nothin...until next time you extraordinary readers!

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