Chapter 9

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Sorry it took so long to update. I had a lot of things to sort out with my drafts which caused my ideas for my ongoing books to disappear. It's no real excuse, I know, so sorry about that. I'll try to get as many chapters done this week as I can.

        "They move quickly don't they," Zhu said as (y/n) followed after them. They hadn't made it clear that they were aware of his presence just yet, so he maintained a certain distance from them. "They're about to leave the village soon. You should catch up to them and let them know who you are," Zhu suggested.

        "They'll be fine. Three of them have already seen me before, so I don't have to worry about that," (y/n) thought even though he did shorten the distance just a bit. So far, none of them had turned back in search of him which (y/n) found to be a bit strange but he kept in pursuit.

        "It's you! The soul stealer!" someone suddenly called out. The voice was all too familiar. If (y/n) didn't have a conscious and stong sense of virtue, he'd have long since stolen this person's soul. He stopped where he was, and so did the group he was following. In fact, everyone in the area froze as the person, Rosean, pointed him out in the crowd.

        "Just give me the command. It'll be easy, like snapping a branch except this is a very annoying branch," Zhu growled.

        "Zhu, no. We don't kill people...not usually," (y/n) thought. Everyone remained oddly silent and it was rather boring. so (y/n) just started walking again.

        "Wha-! Someone stop him!" Rosean yelped, but no one in the area was a Sander officer or even bold enough to stand up to someone capable of stealing a soul. Well, that's what (y/n) thought as the civilians simply moved out of his way. Some were frightened and others just confused. The only people that stood their ground was the group that he was supoosed to be following. They eyed him trying to determine if he was friend or foe.

        "Stop right there!" a red headed boy within the group said. Only to avoid any conflict with his possible future teammates, he did as the boy said but was quite annoyed.

        "If you think I did anything wrong, I didn't. That lady over there, she's just being salty, maybe even delusional. Now if there's anything else you want to know, go ahead and ask. If not, I have a Trock officer to go help capture," (y/n) spoke. Although annoyed, he remained unnaturally calm thanks to Zhu. The fox had abilities that strengthened the mind rather than the body.

        "What are you waiting for! Get him! He'll harm us all if you let him go," Rosean said. For the past year, she had spread the rumor that he'd steal the souls of anyone he came across when she and a few others witnessed him accidentally steal a human soul. Ever since then, he'd been deemed dangerous to be around but (y/n) didn't really care. He was free to go anywhere outside of Sander and all he had to do was sneak into the city if he wanted to go into it.

        "You're going to capture a Trock too. Then I suppose you must be the person we're bringing along," a purple haired girl said. Among the group, (y/n) also spotted the swordsman that almost attacked him and the archer that almost shot him.

        "You can't bring him with you," Rosean said. She really wasn't supposed to be in the conversation, and (y/n) was getting tired of her. He looked behind him and met her gaze allowing Zhu to send enough power through him to make his eyes turn a glowing emerald green.

        "You're still talking, huh. If I really was a soul stealer, don't you think it would be in your best interests to shut up," (y/n) growled, almost letting out an actual growl when he spoke. His eyes turned back to normal as he looked to the group. None of them saw the color change, but some of them seemed to have sensed Zhu's temporarily strong presence.

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