Chapter 8

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Just going to go ahead and say...oh look, a timeskip. What? I had no choice...

A Year Later

        "Don't you think it's a bad idea to show up here like this? They've already found out about me so going anywhere near the city without trying to be stealthy even when the city is in danger is a bad idea," Zhu reasoned. (Y/n) ignored him.

        Sander was still technically the place he called home. Although he was still a fugitive simply because of a stupid suspicioun that had only partially proven true, he always returned to Sander every two weeks to restock his supply on the various necessities needed to survive the desert. He lived off of the desert, and Vapor always waited for his return so that she could help him in any way that she could.

        He'd learned to live a comfortable life in the desert which wasn't too hard with Zhu's help. (Y/n) often visited the Caluso's tribal village where Vegar and the ever so sneaky Star lived but for the most part, he remained in solitude. It wasn't too bad since Zhu was always there, but he often times found it a bit hard to deal with whenever his past decided to resurface in his mind.

        "(Y/n)! Pay attention! If you're going to fight, at least stay focused," Zhu scolded as he alerted (y/n) of an incoming attack. The Trock that had attacked was unfortunate enough to recieve the full force of (y/n)'s frustration, but was otherwise okay if being knocked unconscious was considered okay. It wasn't the first time (y/n) had faced the desert dwelling species since he often had to fight them for resources. They never ever attacked Sander in such large numbers, so (y/n) knew something was wrong.

        "Look, over there! It's Emirate! He's out here too. You can't let him see you," Zhu warned.

        "I don't think it matters right now. Sander is being attacked. He could care less about me helping fight off the threat." (Y/n) took down another Trock with a swift blow. Who needed a weapon when one was the weapon themselves?

        He was attacking from a direction that the Trocks themselves were going in, so he was quick to notice that he was being mistaked for a target by a few others he didn't recognize. Not only were they unfamiliar, but they did not wear the tribal clothing that Sander or even the Caluso tribal village was known for. One in particular was letting her arrows stray too close to him which (y/n) didn't appreciate. "Sword weilder on your left," Zhu warned.

        (Y/n) rolled out of the way just in time to avoid the sword weilder who had not seen him behind the Trock he was attacking. "Hey, watch it! I'm on your side, so I'd like to not be stabbed," (y/n) quickly said to the black haired swordsman before lashing out on a nearby enemy. The sword weilder gave a curt nod before going back to offense as well.

        (Y/n) didn't know how much time had passed after that but he did notice that the newcomers, which he learned there were more than just three, had disappeared some time during the fight. He didn't really care since everything was now over and he sat in the sand resting a bit before he'd have to retreat himself once anyone from Sander recognized him. Entering the city wouldn't be a problem at all now that Sander's warriors were tired out from the recent fighting.

       "We should still go to see Vapor. It was our intention in the first place," Zhu said. (Y/n) nodded in agreement and lifted himself from the ground, but winced at a sudden unknown source of pain.

        "It seems you have a slight injury," Zhu commented. (Y/n) then noticed the small but relatively deep cut on his upper arm.

        "How did that go unnoticed?" he muttered to himself as he stared at the troublesome cut.

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