Chapter 16

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The smell of evil and desperation filled the air.

I growlwd silently. Something evil was headed this direction I could smell it and taste on my tongue.

I picked up the small human male I had biten into amd put him on the side of the road.

When he wakes up he'll have no memory of what happened, he'd think he'd just passed out through to the heat.

It was illegal to murder humans, unless you're going to change them.

Even then they still remain your responsibility and if you don't watch over them hell would break lose. Even one newborn is enough to slaughter the whole city.

I ran back into the woods the crisp air hitting my face. Leaves were falling continuously as the air grew colder.

I leaned against the tree and closed my eyes to find peace.

Which was hard to do for the fact my mind was like an endless train.

So much was goin in this short period of time.

The newborns are growing everyday now, they've been killing the innocent for months now.

Not even our King can control them, their power in numbers were too steong and no one knew who was creating these monster.

A chill went up my sine alerting my senses.

And thats when I felt it.

I felt my body tense a the smell of another vampire and not just a vampire a one with great power.

"What are you doing here Lazear?"The musculent voice ordered.

I smirked."I could ask you the same thing."I slowly turned around to find the devil himself staring at me.

Simon King.

He stood and stared at me with a monotonous look on his face.

"The same reason you came here, I would likee to meet my new queen."He smirked at the word 'Queen'. Like some human could ever be fit for a vampire queen.

"Well have you heard she's human?"

A look of anger crossed his face."That brother of mine can never do anything right! It's amazing how we even share the same blood."

"A little jealous are we?"I teased.

He ran over to me with vampire speed and grasped my neck. I didn't lose posture, only looked at him with disenterest.

"Jealous? Never, I'm glad my father picked that brat to be King instead of I. Besides he'll run the kingdom to the ground sooner, love has blinded him. Just like my pathetic father, he's weak!"

He screamed.

"Do you smell it too?" He looked at me with confusion.

"Do you smell it, events to come. The anger, the hate, the betrayal-"He stiffened.

"You smell it don't you? Something sinister is about to happen... To the girl. Something is going to happend to her and he won't be able to save her in time."I whispered.

"I smell it the question is can Sebastian?"


I huddled closer to Sebastian as we watxhed the fire burn in my fire place I completly forgot we had.

We never used it so when Sebastian managed to get it started I was extatic.

Mom never liked that thing.

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