Chapter 13

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New chapter, should get kinds enteresting.... lol

Anyway thanks for the votes and comments and I would really love for you all too check out my new story!!!! Its boyxboy if your into that..

Ps. All mean comments posted on the story will be deleted, dont be a jerk -_-

K bye and read on!

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"Just remember if you get to tired or start feeling sick call me and I'll pick you up."Sebastian repeated again.

I rolled my eyes and sighed as I stepped out the car and entered the coffe shop.

Sebastian has been trying to get me to stay home all day. But it's been a week now and I feel allot better now,sl I have no excuze not to go to work.

I put on my apron as I clocked in ready to serve.

"I haven't seen you here lately."Kassidy said, one of my co-workers.

"I got into a car accident and had a really bad concussion."I moved my hair out of the way to show her were I hit it.

"Oh, ok be careful. Don't strain yourself."She told me, I went to work serving tables.

We didn't have allot of people come in, though so I didn't strain myself.

"Angel!"I looked up to see Danny waving me over.

I laughed at his egerness.

"I didn't know you liked coffee."I told him.

He smiled."Yeah well I don't. I just like the smell of it."I rolled my eyes at him.

"Only you Danny."I said.

"Yeah only me, so has Sebastian been taking care of you? Saphire told me he's living at your house."He wiggled his eyebrows.

"He's not living there, just staying until my mom gets back from.. her trip."

"Mhm, whatever."He said, looking through the menu."Oh, give this!"He screamed pointing at what he wanted.

I raised my eyebrow."I thought you don't like cofee?"

"I said I like to sniff it, now chop chop woman! Go get my coffee."

I left to make his drink and gave it too him.

Like he said, he picked his mug up and sniffed it.

I rolled my eyes.

"So what time you get off?"He asked me.

I looked at my watch."Still got am hour."I told him.

"Perfect, I could walk you home."He offered.

"It's ok, Sebastian is supposed to pick me up."I tolded him.

"He doesn't have too, I'll walk you home. We live kinda close anyway."He told me.

I thought about it, it would save Sebastian on gas and I'm pretty sure he would like to spend like with his friends.

He's been spending all his free time with me.

"Alright I guess."Danny smiled.

After work Danny was at the door waiting for me.

"How was work?"He asked.

"Fine, just slow."I told him.

"Oh, how's your head?"He asked me.

I shrugged."Not that bad, swelling went down and it doesn't look as ugly as before."I told him.

He smiled."That's good, atleast your ok. I thought you were dead."He told me casually as we turned to the next street.

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