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The sun had peeked from the horizon, it was early and Angel was still dead asleep.

Which she will be for awhile because last nights activities.

I smiled at that, last night was defiantly worth waiting for, I've dreamed of that moment since the day I first lied eyes on her and it had turned out to be better than I could every think of.

I sat out on the balcony and turned to watch my sleeping beauty. Her mark rested on the base of her neck.

My Heart swelled. She wore it well.

I pulled out my phone to call my dad, as much as I wish I could never leave this hotel room, it wasn't possible. Reality was just around the corner roaring its ugly head.

My father answered on the first ring.

"Son." His cool voice soothing enough to calm me down even for a second.

Even as a kid his voice had a powerful impact on me, it was just the way he talked. His confidence always shown in his voice.

Some day I hope to be half the man he was.

"Hey anything worth mentioning happen?" I asked, leaning against the rail, keeping my eyes on angel the whole time.

I heard my father chuckle."Simon almost gutted Levi if that's something worth mentioning."

"No way! How the fuck did that happen?" I asked.

"Simon caught him and Danny in a very promising position while playing pool."I rolled my eye, I could imagine Simon doing just that.

I pushed my dark hair away from my face, I never acknowledged how long it was getting.

There was a long pause in our conversation."Is there anything else dad?"

He cleared his voice." I take it you completed the mating process." He was clearly uncomfortable.

I knew this would come up."Yes."

"Did you use protection?" He asked.

A wave of alarm washed over me. "No." I told him lowly.

If she was pregnant of course I would be thrilled but the timing is bad. We all knew Sapphire was pregnant, she tries to hide it but the extra heart beat I hear when she's next to me is prominent.

"Sebastian! You know that she's more likely to get pregnant now that she is marked."He scowled.

I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath and opened them, only to see Angel stirring.

She would be up soon.

"I know, I wasn't thinking clearly, it wasn't supposed to happen like this." My voice was stoic, a million thoughts ran through my head as I watched Angel rise from her sleep, letting out a cute yawn.

She rubbed her eyes and looked around the room confusingly, probably because I'm always beside her when she wakes.

She spots me on the balcony and gives me a large smile. I try to smile back but it must have been off because I felt a pang of rejection hit me. Her emotions coming to in waves.

My father ranted in my ear wasn't making anything better. I quickly hung up in the middle of him talking.

I quickly walked up to for and held her in my arms, giving her a mind blowing kiss.

"Good morning princess." I whisper in her ear.

She blushed and I watched her blush go all the way down from her naked breast, to her stomach.

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