Chapter 4

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By the time lunch came, I was on edge. I watch beauty walk over across the cafeteria and started talking to Sebastian.

I became slightly jealous as she played with the hem of his shirt and he smirked at her, although I couldn’t blame him. What guy can resist the charm of Beauty. Hell, her name says it all!

It didn’t take long before Sebastian agreed to sitting with us and the walked toward our table. I felt my hands start to get clamy as he stared at me the whole walk over.

“Angel, this is Sebastian, Sebastian  this is Angel my best friend.”Beauty introduced. I put on a fack smiel and stuck out my hand for him to shake it.

“Nice too meet you.”O said to him, pretending like we were just strangers.

He frowned but shook my hand outherwise.”Nice to meet you too.”I gasped at his touch. Sparks, when I touched him I felt  sparks. And then my stomach churned-In a good way. He must have been as shock as me because he pulled away.

As they sat down with their lunches,  I kept my gaze away from Sebastian and on Beauty.

“So Sebastian, I heard allot about you.”Beauty said, seductivly.

He smirked.’What exactly have you heard?”He asked her, flashing her a winning smile.

Beauty’ s finger went down his shirt.’I heard, that you and your family are some sort of billionaires.Is that true?”

“My familes well of, yes.”He answered smoothly. I shivered at the sound of his voice.

Baeuty scoffed.”Why would you want to move in a small town like this?”She asked him amazed.

‘For the quiet, me and my family don’t like the city. To noisey.”He said.

“I guess that’s a reasonable excuse. .”

“Why are you here?’He challenged.


“Whay are you here, what’s your excuse?’He asked her.

She shrugged.”This was my dads home town, my folks got married her. I’ve been her all my life.’She answered. He looked at me.

“What about you Angel?”They both looked at me.

“Same, I guess.”I answered.

Beauty rolled her eyes.”Oh please, she’s stuck here with her achoholic mom , she couldn’t afford to leave this town even if she wanted to.”My eyes widened.

Why would she say that?To a complete stranger she barely knew? To say my feeling were hurt was an understatement.

“What it’s the truth?”She said, as if it was a joke. I refused to cry, I usually can ignore comments like that but coming from a friend that hurt.

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