Chapter 7

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As soon as I walked through the front door I was bombarded with questions from Sayphire.

"Well, how was it!"She asked me, not bothering to hide the smile on my face.

I went back to thinking about the whole night with Angel and I could help smilng myself. The smilemust have said allot because my sister was now screaming and doing a happy dance infront of me.

I gave her a reculiar look.

"What? I can't help it, it's just you guys are so cute together!"Shescreamed at me and gave me a sisterlyhug. I hugged her back laughing.

"Thanks sis, it really was a great idea to take her to the fair, she really enjoyed herself"I told her.


I nodded."It was the perfect date in her eyes."I told her, remembering the lookon her face when we pulled infront of the fair.

The look of shock and happiness filled her face then, which made my insides tingle at the thought of her being pleased with me.

Before the talk with her at the coffee shop, I was scared. I've never been that scared in my life until then. The thouht of her rejecting me was enough pain to bring me to my knees, but when she agreed to go on the date with me, hope filled my heart.

Whether she knew it or not, I truly love that girl. She is the only thing keeping me sain from thinking about all of the new-born vampires that's been attacking lately.

Instead of stressing myself about how I'm going to be king soon, I keeping thinking about that beautiful smile on her face and how I can make her happy.

After day dreaming so long, Sayphire had left me alone in my thoughts as I trudged into my room and pulled out my phone, dailing Angel's new number.

I took of my shirt and laid on my bed waiting for her to answer the phone.

After the 3rd ring she answered, her voice sending shivers down my back. "Hello?"She answered confused.

'Hello princess."I answered with a smile on my face.

'Sebastian?'She asked.

I snickered."The one and only."

"Oh ok...hi?"I laughed.

"Princess how are you liking your new phone?'I asked her wanting her opinion. Iphones and ipods are the new craze, so I got her the most expensive one I can find.

If she didn't like it, I'd justget her a new one.

"It's nice, I was just listening to some of the music on the playlist. How did you knowI liked Allstar Weekend?'She asked.

I huffed "I didn't,I had Sayphire upload all her songs on it because I didn't know what kind of music you liked."I told her, nonchalantly.

"Well thanks anyway. I really appreciate this Sebastian."She told me, my heart melted.

'Anything for you princess, I'd do anything for you. All you'd have to do was ask and it'll be done."I told her truthfully.

She was silent for a second."Wow." Was all she said.


"No bodies has ever said that to me."I heard her say with emotion in hervoice.

She was going to cry, I didn't want to make her cry, that was my last intention.

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