Chapter 11 pt one... by force -_-b

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"Oh I love this song! Turn it up!"Danny yelled from the back seat, he reached between me and Saphire and turned the radio up.

"Hey I just met you, and this is crazy.But here's my number, so call me maybe!"Danny and and Saphire sang together.

I laughed at them as I joined in. " And all the other boys, try to chase me, But here's my number so call me maybe."I sang, they stared at me, making me feel self concious. I'm not that bad am I?


"I didn't know you could sing!"Saphire said.

I shrugged."I'm ok."

"Ok? That was great sing some more!"Danny erged, I blushed not liking all the attention.

"Seriously, I'm not that good."I told them, the gave me an unbeleivable look, but brushed it off as they continued singing along to the music.

I stared ahead of the road, and saw a man standing there stiff as a board, put the funny thing is, he was staring at me. I squinted to get a better look as we passed him up.

Hm, maybe he was just lost?He didn't look like a hitchhiker.

"Hey Angel, any idea how you want your dress to look?"Saphire asked, making me lose attention to the man.

"Um, I don't know."I said absentmindedly, I turned my attention back to the man, he was still standing there and when he saw me he looked at me and smirked. Then dissapeared.

I gasped.

Saphire and Danny jumped."What's wrong?"They asked at the say time.

My heart was literally beating out my chest as fear coursed through me. Did that man just dissapear.

"T-that man, h-he dissapeared."I mumbled like an idiot to them.

Danny look at me with a confused look as Saphire looked more alarmed.

"What man? What did he look like?"She asked, sounding alarmed but she tryed to hide it.

"The man on the side of the road, I looked at him, he smirked at me then dissapeared. He had on a pair of jeans and a blue shirt."I told her.

Her hands viced gripped the wheel but when she saw me looking she let it loose and gave me a smile, you could tell it was half-hearted.

She laughed"You're seeing stuff you silly girl. Did you eat? Don't worry we'll stop at the food court when we reach the mall."She said.

Danny and I gave her an odd look.

"What?"She gave us a perky smile.

She pulled out her phone and began to text rapidly.

"Woman are you trying to kill us! No texting and driving." Danny reminded her.

She smiled."OH please, theres no one on the road anyway."But she finished her text and closed her phone.

It was a quiet ride from then but when we reached the mall in was mahem!

We went to the food court first then they took me to almost every store that sold dresses.

In total we went through 10 stores to find the perfect dresses. I found some I liked but they turned it down.

Said it was cute, but it didn't show my sexy side, whatever that is.

"Ok, last store we need to look at every dress the have carefully. I'll lokk over there, Danny go over there, and Angel.... You best stay with me."I pouted as I followed Saphire to the rack of dresses.

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