Chapter 23

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I sighed in frustration as Levi told us more about Nials plan to take my place as king. I had made sure Angel was off with my mom and Sayphire, showing her around the castle.

The things he was telling me were to good to be true, if he hadn't tried taking Angel I would be in total denial.

To think he had a whole army of newborn vampires by the thousands hide while he stared me in the face and lied for all these years.

I feel like a fool.

"No worries brother, even the devil was an angel."Damion piped in.

I scoffed." I'm supposed to take over when my father steps down! How in the hell can I do that when I allowed all this to happen infront of my face!"

Lazear rolled his eyes."Stop the dramatics."I glared at him.

"Just because you and my sister are mates doesn't mean I won't kill you."I threatened not so lightly.

His eyes hardened."And just because you're my mates brother doesn't mean I won't hurt you." I growled.

I bawled my fist, he was really trying my patience which was already wore out from the stress I had.

Levi stepped infront of me."Fighting won't help nor solve the problem, we're in a war and if we don't work together we're all dead!"

We all stopped and looked at him astonished from his out burst.

"He's right, we have 8 months to get things organized, maybe less than that now that we have is aprentice as an Allie."I agreed.

I let out a deep breath."Dad call a meeting we need all the help we can get, our Soldiers won't be enough to take down Nials and his army."

He nodded.

"So what's your next big step your highness."Lazear said sharply. I ignored his tone.

"My next step is for me to know, and for you to shut up and go along with it."I told him.

He rolled his eyes."Fine do as you wish, I'm going to find Sayphire."He left the room.

"You know besides from his attitude I can tell he's good for her."My father said.

I could not disagree, he was right. Maybe he could help Sayphire stay on track, She always was the one to be easily distracted.

She had the memory of a Chitzu.

I left the room to go find my princess. I could smell her scent and hear her heart beat from a mile away. It helps that She was the only human in the castle.

I'm so glad She knows my secret now, I was tired of hiding such a big part of my life to her.

I could have told her earlier but, I was scared.

I frowned at the word.

I wasn't't scared of anything, but the thought of losing her was enough to petrify me.

Thank goodness She was safe now, the castle is the safest place for her to be know.

No one would hurt their future queen.

I smiled a toothy grin as I saw her with my mom in the garden? She had on a white summer dress and her hair flown angelicly

down her back.

Her laugh was like chime bells, She was so beautiful that it hurt to look at her.

My mom looked up at me, causing Angel to turn my way. She smiled when She saw me.

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