Defeating Alpha and returning home.

Start from the beginning

Then rex ran as Alpha-Omega smashed the building you both were on. As you both fell and landed on a car as rex got up and ran at fast speed and made his hover bike as you upgraded it into a enhanced version of it as you both came at Alpha-Omega as you both made a upgraded version of Rex's big fat sword as rex cut off Alpha's arm and then his leg as he roared in pain as rex flew and cut his other leg as alpha fell to a building as you both turned to see Alpha-Omega was regenerating his limbs as he got up and sent a fire blast at you both as rex ran as the blast hit the ground making rex tumble as you came off of him and then hit a wall as you changed back and looked at Alpha-Omega.

Rex: We need a direct hit on the Alpha.

(Y/N): I could try more insults. I got a good one.

Rex: I got an idea, but you got to trust me. When i fire you gotta make your roley-poley thing.

(Y/N): Your not thinking of...

Rex: Yeah.

(Y/N): Isn’t that dangerous?

Rex: Probably.

(Y/N): On three?

Rex: I've decided that i officially like you, monster guy.

(Y/N): Same here Robot kid.

Then you both looked to see Alpha-Omega was getting closer to you both as rex made his cannon.

(Y/N): One.

Then he loaded you into his cannon and aimed at Alpha-Omega.

Rex: Two.

He put on his goggles and got a lock on the alpha.

Rex: Three!

He fired you out as you were now Cannonbolt and curled up as you came at Alpha-Omega at high speed as you went through Alpha-Omega's chest and then came out through his back as alpha roared in pain as rex saw it and then saw he was gonna blow as he ran for cover as alpha exploded as rex got up and saw nanites coming out from Alpha-Omega as rex smiled.

Rex: Whoo! Yeah! Oh, yeah! He shoots! He scores! Whoo! And the crowd goes wild!

Then he saw alpha was reforming as rex went to the legs of alpha and did his thing.

Rex: Whoa there, little nanite brothers. Where do you think you’re going? Alpha’s not the only one who can tell you what to do.

Then you came and changed back as you looked to see alpha as he started to become an orb.

(Y/N) Is the Omega gonna be in there?

Caesar: I’ll handle that.

You looked to see Caesar and Holiday as they were here as Caesar fired a drone in the orb before the shell formed as he searched for the Omega.

Caesar: Where are you, little guy?

He looked at the screen of the blaster and saw the Omega.

Caesar: Got it! I

As the orb got smaller Caesar got the Omega as it was in a container.

Caesar: Look it worked.

Then the orb became small and then fell as it hit the ground making a small crater.

(Y/N): And that my friend, is how you save the world.

Caesar then walked to Rex and then scanned the orb.

Caesar: Very clever little brother. The density of this sphere is over 30 grams per centimeter cubed. It would be extremely difficult for Alpha to slip through the molecules of this, assuming it survived compaction. We need to get rid of it.

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