LED turns Red (Part 2)

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"Good morning, Connor!" another officer greeted the RK800 who passes down the hallway.

"Good morning." The brunette smiled.

He walked towards his desk and looked over some piled paperwork.

"Did lieutenant Anderson came in today?" Connor asked Officer Chen who walks pass by him.

"He'll prolly be late." Tina replied. "You know your old man, he hates mornings."

"I know." The RK800 chuckled.

"You're in a good mood." The female officer teased. "Met someone?"

"Not really, I just feel a lot better." The Android answered.

"Glad to hear." She smiled. "How's the new apartment?"

"It's nice, the place was bigger than last time." Connor answered.

Lieutenant Anderson entered the precinct a few seconds later. He noticed the RK800 talking to officer Chen.

"Speaking of the devil." Tina turned to Hank and grinned. "Good morning, Lieutenant."

"Morning." Hank greeted back.

"You're late." The android said with a playful tune.

"Sorry, I woke up like ten f*cking minutes ago." Hank sighed.

"Oh almost forgot, I have a report to finish." Tina added and started to walk away. "Catch you guys later."

"You look happy." The old man smiled at the RK800. "Seeing someone?"

"For the last time, I'm not." Connor sighed. "It's just, I'm glad."

Hank ruffled the Android's hair. "Wanna hang out after work? I know a place where we can relax for a while."

"I was about to invite you my new apartment, actually." The brunet grinned.

"Really? Why not? I'm bringing my old console, sounds good?" The old man smirked.

"That sounds great, lieutenant."

A/n never updated this one jeez, soon Bros... Soon

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