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A/N for the love of god, yes a frkn request xD

RK900needSomeLove I hope you'll love this, ate xD

Warnings: strong language and Connor being like a moody girl on her period.

I missed writing a 1.5k+ words story and I enjoyed it xD


Fight. The only word Hank and Connor knew. After the revolution, Connor started to gain some kind of attitude. Hank would blow up in anger all the time because of it. The hot headed lieutenant would nag the android, as Connor will talk back like a teenager going on a phase. Meaning, their workplace was full of shouting and talk backs from the two.

"Gah! I f*cking hate you and your sh*tty attitude!" Hank shouted as his voice rung thru the whole station.

"You started it, Hank! You should've listen to me!" The RK800 shouted back.

"You don't talk like that to elders! F*cking watch your mouth!"

"I won't talk like this if you listened to me!"

"Wow, what a scene.. Nines, grab the popcorn." Gavin mumbled as he watches the two. The RK900 handed a box of popcorn to the detective. He started to eat and enjoy the show.

"Stop acting like you know f*cking everything! You think you're so smart!" Hank continued with his rage. "You were basically born 6 f*cking months ago!"

"You don't involve my f*cking age into this!" Connor glared angrily. "I'm a f*cking android so of course I'm a step ahead of you, old man!"

"Oh, you're really stepping up do you?!" Hank was about to pin the android against the wall. "I should've just--"

"ANDERSON AND CONNOR, IN MY OFFICE!" Captain Jeffrey Fowler cut the fight off. Both officers went silent as they went inside his office.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?" Fowler frowned at them. "For f*cking six months, I've been observing the two of you fighting and fighting all over again!"

"Blame that b*tch over there." Hank pointed at the android beside him. "I guess being a deviant made him a sack of sh*t."

"Say deviant again, I f*cking dare you." Connor glared at the old man.

" D E V I A N T, f*cking Deviant." Hank grinned and teased the RK800.

"You--" Connor flared up once again. Captain Fowler stopped the android from tackling the lieutenant.

"If you two won't get along, you gave me no f*cking choice!" Fowler took some handcuffs from his back and cuffed the two together.

"What the f*ck?!" Hank exclaimed. "You've got to be sh*tting me. Get this thing off!" Connor frowned and remained silent as he glared at the old man.
"I'm not taking THAT thing off until you two will get along with each other." Fowler replied angrily. "Dismissed!"

"Jeff, Cmo--" Hank tried to reason out.

"I said, DISMISSED." Jeffrey looked back on his computer.

Both walked out as Connor was being dragged by the lieutenant. The android stopped walking as Hank noticed him.

"What the f*ck you want now?" Hank frowned. "Congratulations, were handcuffed together because of you." He raised the cuffed hand and waved it.

"Ugh.. F*ck you." Connor mumbled.

| Connor & Hank | One Shots (Discontinued)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant