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A/N Filler story? I guess so. Just imagine Connor can drink and eat whatever.


Hank noticed the time, Connor should be home by now. It's the first time that the android ran late. The RK800 would go home at the precise time and a minute ahead. But this time his shift already ended a couple of hours ago but still not back.

Then suddenly there was a faint knock in the front door. The lieutenant was in the living room that time so he heard the knock and opened the door to see the android balancing himself while holding on the door frame.

"What the f*ck happened to you?" Hank noticed the smell of alcohol from Connor. "Are you drunk?"

"..No?" Connor shook his head and he lost balance and suddenly fell to the old man.

"Holy sh*t! F*cking stand up!" Hank held him up and walked the drunk android to the bathroom to sober him up.

"Let me go--" Connor groaned.

"I'm sobering you up, asshole." the lieutenant pushed him in the bath tub.

He laid there and Hank turned on the shower. Connor suddenly screamed because of how cold the water was and started wailing his hands. The old man then turned off and frowned at the android.

"The hell? What happened?" Connor looked up on him in surprise.

"I should be the one asking that, Connor." Hank gave him a sharp glare.

The RK800 sighed and looked down. "It was a dare, I didn't realized I drank too much. I'm sorry.''

The man took a deep breath and looked at the android. "I'll get you some clothes, we'll talk about this tomorrow."

He exited the bathroom leaving Connor alone and went to the android's room to get new clothes. Hank started to hear vomit sounds from the inside and figured that it was Connor. He went back with a new shirt and a pair of gray sweatpants.

"Look at that, how the tables have turned." He chuckled as he place the apparel beside the sink.

"Shut up--" the android started to throw up again while his holding against the toilet seat.

"I'll give you some privacy. Your clothes are beside the sink."

The android nodded and continued doing his business.


It was early morning and the sun rose brightly. Hank woke up and started the day with feeding Sumo and making breakfast. He's not a morning person, but as much as possible he would try waking up and getting his ass off the bed. Connor didn't came out of his room yet so the lieutenant might wake him up soon.

"Connor? Breakfast is ready.'' Hank knocked on the android's room. He noticed that he didn't respond and let himself in.

Connor was still lying on the bed with blankets covering his whole body.

"Leave me alone.. Five more minutes.." He groaned and shifted to the other side.

"I made pancakes god dammit."

The android sprung up from his bed throwing the covers off. And he suddenly felt pain in his head.

"Oww.. Okay, I'm up.." he held his temple and sat down.

"Be ready, we have work. And the pancakes are waiting.'' Hank chuckled and left him in his room. "And you gotta tell me why were you drunk last night."

Connor nodded and prepared himself. He turned off an option to feel pain so he can move around without the headache. He went past the living room and dashed to the dining to see Hank setting up the table. The android sat down and saw the plate of pancakes in front of him with a smiley face made out of chocolate syrup.

"So, what happened last night? Why the hell are you drunk?" the lieutenant looked at him and sat down against him.

"It was Gavin's fault.." Connor took the cup of coffee and took a sip.

"You better stop hanging out with him, son." Hank took a bite of his pancake.

"His not that bad of a person if you get to know him more, Hank." the android added. "It was just a dare of him and some of the officers."

"Yeah, whatever. Don't do that again without my permission okay?"

"Got it..dad." He nodded and took a bite of the food.

"Nani the fu-?!"


A/N idk, I reference Japanese phrases too much.. Unalive me.

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