Home Alone (Part 3)

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[Video Log: Day 218_]

[Time: 03:12:23 AM_]

"It's my 218th video log, how long was I been working on this? Sh*t." The brown haired detective rubbed his temples before looking back at the camera.

"It has been almost a year since Anderson went missing. When we went there, there was no body. Except Hank's dog, poor thing." He added. "We checked Connor's memories and it tells a different story."

Gavin took a sip from his coffee and groaned. "In his vision he saw the lieutenant, dead. With a woman grinning in front of him. It doesn't add up to the crime scene but with Nines, we examined the footage."

"It has been edited and tampered. So meaning, someone out there doesn't want to know their whereabouts or on what truly what happened that morning."

He looked at the camera once more but with a sad and concerned expression. "After the incident, Connor.. He never talked to anyone."

"Nines found him in the corner of Hank's room that day, staring blankly." Gavin took a deep breath. "We brought him to my brother, Elijah. Which of no use. He said the android's program was beyond repair and there was a virus in the program itself."

"Of course I even tried to do something. But with the virus inside, even if I reformat everything. There's no use. It won't get deleted. I guess that b*tch really wanted to break Connor for good."

"After that, Nines took him in to live with us.." Detective Reed added. "He was still in that state until now.. I don't know what to do.."

Gavin stopped the recording when the RK900 entered his office.

"Another video log, really?" Nines chuckled.

"I have to keep track of everything you know." He replied rubbing the ring in his ring finger. "Any news?"

"Its almost our first anniversary." The RK900 grinned.

"How can I forget?" Gavin smiled. "I'll prepare something big."

"Sure, mine's bigger." Nines answered proudly. "And by the way."

"What is it?"

"Two RK800s contacted me earlier to help in our case, also to try to help Connor.."

"Nines.." Reed sighed. "What if?.."

"No, we're not talking about this again. We will not deactivate Connor." The android replied.

"Nines, don't you see? He's suffering. His program can't handle the virus anymore, he often shuts down then goes back." Gavin said. "And for f*ck's sake, he wouldn't even respond to us."

"Hank is still alive out there, I can feel it." The tall android said with determination. "And as I told you earlier, two RK800s will help us."

"Okay.." His human partner nodded. "How is he?"

"He's already on sleep mode, forcefully." The gray eyed machine replied.

"I see.." Gavin finished his coffee and placed the dirty mug back on his desk.


I was tied on a chair, uncomfortably as I tried to get out of it. It has been over a year, was it? I can't count how long was I in this place with this Amanda bitch.

Is Connor okay? I hope he is. Maybe he's out there finding me.


A/N I'm word blocked rn so I'll be writing this into some kind of crappy mini series. To help me get back on track on this one shot book.

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