The Blue Tail

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In this modern age, people thought fairy tales are just ideas that were made by folks long time ago.

That goes the same for Hank Anderson. The man usually scuba dives for sunken ships, or find small artifacts. Basically, the water is his life.

Throughout his career, he had heard urban legends about the creatures that lived among the depths of the sea. The old man never believed in them. He thinks its just a fictional story passed down to generations to scare kids.

Or so he thought.

"Hey, Hank!" A middle aged man with chocolate brown hair approaches to the table where he was enjoying his burger.

"Sup, Gavin." Hank greeted, finishing his food. Both had been good friends since they do the same thing, which is exploring the ocean. Well not really, its just the rat's hobby.

"Its all over the news, old man." Gavin chuckled and sat down against the gray haired man's direction.

"Mermaid spotted? You believed in that sh*t?" He chuckled. "That's just editing, you swine."

"Hundreds of people already spotted merfolks in there." The brunette added. "So maybe its true! And you just live there, why not visit it?"

"I've been diving in that spot throughout my life." Hank answered. "And I had never seen a weird looking creature whatsoever. And you're a f*cking urban explorer, why the hell are you asking me about mermaids?"

"Because I'm bored." Gavin smirked. "And I'm trying out something new for my channel."

"Okay then, when do you want to see it?"

"Wait are you serious?"

"Yes, I'm easy to talk to. So when?" Hank asked.


Both had reached the diving spot where the presumed creatures of the sea were found.

Hank is still skeptical about it because he had never saw them in his own eyes.

But he had seen the videos about it. And as citizen's says, they always saw a brunette merman with blueish tail.

There the sewer rat is, making an introduction video about it. Every damn YouTuber.

"Are you gonna f*cking dive or what?" Hank exclaimed annoyingly.

"I'm coming!" Gavin chuckled then set upped his water proof camera.

The deep blue ocean was filled with colorful corals. That's why it had been a good spot for scuba.

Both had been underneath for quite a while, but there were no abnormal creatures still found.

Hank went to a different direction while Gavin did the same.

The old man swam thru the ocean floor as he felt that someone or something swam fast behind him.

He looked around then frowned. Maybe it's just that twerp pranking him.

The gray haired man continued as he felt something swam behind him again.

Hank was now annoyed. He looked around then suddenly,

He saw a glimpse of a big blue fish tail.

Are they f*cking real? He thought to himself.

After a few minutes of searching, he found no one.

So the man got out of the water and sighed. Suddenly Gavin followed.

"Found something?" Hank asked as he sound exhausted.

"I don't know yet, I think so?" Gavin replied still unsure. "I'll check my recording later."

"I think I just saw a big blue tail earlier." He added.

"No sh*t, do you think its the one that they won't shut up about?" The younger man said.

"Whatever.." Hank scoffed. He's still skeptical about it.


Days later, Gavin had finally reviewed his recording then uploaded it on the site.

He sworn that he just saw a merman staring at him with grayish blue eyes. Which people who watches him said the same.

Hank also watched the video he uploaded and was also shocked. Okay he's starting to believe in them, a little. But deep in the corner of his mind, the man thinks the video is edited.

Every morning Hank would always visit the shore. He loved the breeze there during early mornings.

As he strolls down the shore, Hank noticed something.

Behind a cluster of rocks he saw a protruding blueish tail.

Its the same tail he saw a few days back.

Hank's mind kept telling him danger, but curiosity won over the man.

He walked closer to the pile of rocks.

The man saw a brunette merman lying down on the shore. But he had sword he saw a tail, this time

Hank saw legs.

A/N Part two will be written soon-

Am a sucker for Gavin and Hank being frens oki? Lmao

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