Know-it all meet Bossy *Muffy*

Start from the beginning

Plus, Buffy hadn't noticed the way his eyes shined through his glasses.

Maybe Buffy wasn't too bad.

She was bossy but funny and sweet when you got to know her.

She also got a real sparkle in her eye when she was overly confident.

They were growing closer as they continued to be partners in Potions and met up to work on homework sometimes.

Jonah was complaining that Buffy never hung out in the common room anymore, she was always in the library.

Buffy was walking down the hall, books in hand when she saw Marty surrounded by Slytherins.

And of course they were led by the Kippen siblings, Amber and TJ.

"Where have you been lately,"TJ asked as they cornered him.

"Why do you care,"Marty shot back.

"You seem really confident for someone who's about to get beat up,"Amber said,"What makes you think you can say that to us?!"

Marty went quiet again.

Buffy ran towards them yelling,"Leave him alone Amber."

"What do you want, "Amber said turning to her.

"I want you to leave Marty alone,"Buffy said,"He's not bothering you."

"So what,"TJ said knocking Marty's books to the ground and sending his glasses flying.

"Just leave him alone,"Buffy said.

"You wanna fight Driscoll,"TJ asked,"Because I garantee that you'll lose."

"Oh, will I,"Buffy said,"That's funny because the last time I checked I've beaten you at everything we've ever competed in. Including quidditch. You're not a good keeper Kippen, but I guess you're not a catch either."

TJ growled, his eyes glaring but clearly nervous.

"Let's just get out of here guys,"Amber said,"We'll take care of him another day."

Marty took a step forward but fell over the books on the ground.

Buffy found his glasses and handed them to him and helped him collect his books.

"Thanks Buffy,"Marty said readjusting his glasses on his face,"I think the only reason they pick on me is because I look like a dweeb."

"You're not a dweeb,"Buffy said,"And they shouldn't pick on you just because you wear glasses or read."

"Easy for you to say,"Marty said,"You've got perfect vision."

The next day Buffy walked into the potions classroom, getting stares from everyone, before sitting down next to Marty.

"Thanks again for yesterday,"Marty said turning away from his book to face her.

"Woah,"He exclaimed looking at her face.

Buffy had pulled her hair back into a bun and was wearing glasses.

"I do not have perfect vision,"She said,"I just prefer to wear contacts."

"Thanks,"He said.

"So, You and Marty,"Jonah asked as he and Buffy were in the common room with some other friends.

"We're just friends,"Buffy said.

Jonah just smiled and said,"for now."

"So, what is this about you and Buffy Driscoll,"Andi asked Marty as they made their way to the library,"Does she have any cute friends?"

"She is friends with the Jonah Beck,"Marty replied,"But we are just friends. And just started tolerating each other recently."

"Why,"Andi asked,"And I meant friends who aren't know for breaking every single girls' heart."

"Because she helped me out when the Kippen twins were picking on me,"Marty said,"And she makes me feel better about myself."

So maybe Marty did like Buffy.

He had gotten bugged by all of his friends about it until he finally admitted to himself that he liked her.

He hoped she felt the same as they had grown very close over the past few months.

He had grown a beautiful tiger lily in Herbology and decided to give it to her,  such a cliche move but it was sweet.

He walked happily down the hall towards the Gryffindor common room before rounding a corner.

Buffy was outside the common room with her best friend Jonah and another boy he though he recognized from Hufflepuff.

They were talking and Buffy gave the boy a hug tightly, along with hugging Jonah.

Marty looked down at the flower in his hand and back up to where Buffy stood, not noticing him at all.

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