Its Gumbo

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Take on me- A-ha

T H E   S U A N A   T E S T  P T

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T H E   S U A N A   T E S T P T . I

On our way home last night, I had forgotten to inform Danny about Rebecca. I made sure to tell him on the way to the mall this morning. Well, more like in the parking lot.

"Woah, wait, she invited the four of us to go watch a movie with them?" Danny repeated.

"Odd, right? And they were hanging out with Thomas." I crossed my arms.

"You ex?" Dustin asked with his nose scrunched in disgust. "God, I hated that guy."

"He was great until he cheated on me." I grumbled out, crossing my arms.

"Ugh, no. Even Steve hated him back then, back that was when he was in denial about his feelings towards you." Danny turned off the car.

"Okay, I get it. The three of you hated him." I rolled my eyes and opened the car door.

"Anyways," Dustin slammed the car door behind him, "are you guys planning on joining them at the movies?"

"I don't know." Danny ran a frustrated hand down his face. "And, you still need to tell Steve and Billy."

"Hey, we got some time. Besides we've got some evil Russians to think about first." I playfully wiggled my eyebrows with a laugh as we headed towards the entrance of the mall.

"God, is it sad that this sounds normal now?" Danny locked the car and shoved the keys into his jean pocket.

"I'd rather have evil Russians than the Mind Flayer and his army." Dustin admitted. "Less evil."

"Okay, I'm gonna quickly scope out the top secret area. Danny, you coming?" Dustin pointed towards the building we were at last night.

"Why not?" Danny shrugged. "Tell Steve and Robin we'll be there in a few."

"Kay." I sent them a smile as we parted paths.

I entered the mall by myself. As usual, it was packed. Teenagers were in groups scattered across the mall. Children were with their parents and grandparents. It made me think about how oblivious they were to the dangers Hawkins was constantly in. We never seem to catch a break.

"Dawn!" Someone desperately called out from the crowd. With furrowed brows, I turned around to see a panicked Rebecca running towards me. "Dawn, where's Danny?"

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