Gag Me With A Spoon

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Somebody To Love - Queen

S U Z I E ,  D O  Y O U  C O P Y ?

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S U Z I E ,  D O  Y O U  C O P Y ?

It has been a full year since El had closed the gate to the Upside Down. Danny and I, along with our friends, are now free from high school. We graduated a little over a month ago. By some miracle, Danny and I had both been accepted into Purdue University and would be starting school in late August. I would be pursing a degree in veterinary science while Danny is going for mechanical engineering.

Within the one year time frame, the band had broken up once we had graduated. We had all been accepted into different colleges and decided it was best. Things had been rocky between Danny and Rebecca. It wasn't long until Rebecca broke up my with twin in the middle of our senior year. She couldn't handle the idea of him not telling her the truth of the weird events that seem to happen in our town that we seem to know all about. Since then, the friendship between the band members started to crack.

Amanda had sided with Rebecca while Chad remained neutral. It only got worse when the girls had tried to get me to spill the secrets. I had to make up more lies that they had clearly never believed. There was obvious tension between us and it had an effect to the band break up. We had managed to make amends, but trust was something Danny and I could never regain.

On a positive note, Steve and I have been dating for a a little over a year now. Apparently, it was something everyone in our school had seen coming since the beginning. Mrs. Morgan had told me on graduation that she had been rooting for Steve and I to become a couple since freshman year. She had even said that she purposely assigned us as lab partners to get us together.

Another positive that occurred was the building of the mall. Not only had it become a hotspot for everyone to hang out at, it had also become a place  for Steve to find a job. Unfortunately, he hadn't been accepted to any colleges and his dad has him working as a way to make a living. I keep telling him it's a win-win: he's gets money to help pay for any future plans to go to college, he gets experience in the real world, and he gets free ice cream.

"Hello? Earth to Dawn?" A hand waved in front of my face. I blinked, seeing Danny standing in front of me. He rolled his eyes and nudged me forward into the mall. "Jesus, it's like you can't function without him. What is it? Do you two share a brain cell or something, because he acts the exact same way when you aren't around."

"We do not share a brain cell, idiot." I grumbled.

"Sure looks like it." Danny strolled past me and entered the cool building. The air conditioning instantly made the July heat go away. "Didn't Dustin's friends want to tell us something at Scoops Ahoy?"

"Yeah." I nodded, moving my shoulder as I passed by a couple of young preteens running by. "Don't know what though."

Danny pressed his lips together and shoved his hands into his jean pockets. We entered the food court and went straight for the ice cream parlor. Robin, the other employee, sent us a smile and a wave. We walked over to her.

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