Level: Alleyway

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Beat It - Michael Jackson

T H E   M O N S T E R   P T

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T H E   M O N S T E R   P T .  2

"Well, what do you expect me to do? I don't have feelings for Johnathon." Nancy whispered to me through the phone. It has been hours of talking over the phone with Nancy over theories of what drew the monster to Hawkins and we finally gave up. I decided it was time to bring up Steve and Johnathon.

"I don't know Nance." I sighed, running a hand through my hair. Mews let out a growl as I shifted him on my lap by accident. "Tell Steve how you feel. He's a great guy, despite how he acts around Tommy and Carol. Just make sure to get him alone to tell him why Johnathon was over."

"Oh, and to tell him that we went monster hunting?" Nancy scoffed. "Steve will never believe that."

"Well, then I don't know what to say, Nancy. Just make sure to be honesty with him. Relationships are all about trust and honesty." A loud yawn caused me to see Dustin waking up. "Hey, I got to go. Dustin is already up. We'll talk about this later, okay?"

"Yeah, thanks for giving me advice. Bye." Nancy told me before she hung up the phone. I hung up the phone and scooped up a grumpy cat.

"Did you even go to sleep?" Dustin asked, rubbing at his eyes. Mews let out another growl and jumped out of my arms, heading to the window. He jumped onto the window sill and pushed his way behind the curtain to sunbathe.

"No." I truthfully answered, getting up. I walked over to my night stand and placed the phone where it's supposed to be.

"Why?" Dustin frowned, sitting up. I let out a sigh and sat down next to him, bringing my legs up. "Dawn?"

"It's alright little brother." I smiled gently, ruffling his curls. Dustin scowled and swatted my hand away. "I'm not going to give you my burdens."

"One, what did I say about my curls? Two, just because I'm younger than you doesn't mean you can't tell me shit." Dustin said. He leaned over towards Danny and smacked his arm. "Danny, wake up! Dawn didn't get any sleep last night."

"You little-"

"What?" Danny groaned out, blinking his eyes open. His eyes widened when he looked at me. "Woah, Dawn, you look like shit."

"Thanks, Danny. Every girl wants to hear that." I rolled my eyes.

"Wait, why didn't you get any sleep?" Danny sat up, stretching his long limbs.

"She won't tell me." Dustin told him. "I was hoping we can gang up on her and she will tell us."

"Sounds like a plan." Danny nodded, raising an eyebrow at me. "Now stop being a good sister and spill your feelings. Lay all of your-"

"Burden shit." Dustin finished with a smile.

"Yeah, burden shit. What Dusty said."

"Fine. Alright. Stop trying to be great brothers." I rolled my eyes, gnawing at my bottom lip. Taking a deep breath in, I squeezed my eyes shut. "I just couldn't go to sleep guys. As simple as that. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw the monster-"

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