Blue Hoodie

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Sweet Dream (Are Made Of These) - Eurythmics

T H E  W E I R D O  O N  M A P L E   S T R E E T  P T

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

T H E W E I R D O O N M A P L E S T R E E T P T . 1

The next morning, I groggily woke up. Last night I heard a weird sound but I was too focused on my dream. It had Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Mark Hamill. The four of us were all hanging out at my house watching E.T. The Extraterrestrial and The Outsiders.

It was a very good dream. I may or may not have had a make out session with Harrison.

May or may not I said, it was a very good dream.

Sighing, I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and started getting ready for the day. Bohemian Rhapsody was loudly playing from my turntable as I finished brushing my teeth. Existing my bathroom, I grabbed my flannel and tied it around my waist. Mrs. Tompkin's class always gets cold.

"Dawny or Danny, can one of you go check on Dusty to see if he is awake?" Mom called out.

"I'm busy right now!" Danny loudly said.

"I'll check on him, Mom." I told her, walking out of my room.

I knocked on Dustin's door only to hear a loud snore response. Rolling my eyes, I slid open the door to see Dustin sprawled on top of his bed. He was still wearing the clothes he wore last night along with his hat. Walking over to him, I kneeled next to his bed and lightly shook my little brother's shoulder.

"Dusty. Wake up." Dustin let out another loud snore. Huffing, I shook his shoulder harder. "Dustin. Dustin!"

"I didn't steal the candy. I promise!" Dustin shot up from his position. Trying to get out of bed out of fright, he swung his feet over the bed only to get tangled up in the sheets. Dustin let out a shriek as he fell off of the bed and on top of me. "Woah!"

"Oof!" I groaned out, now lying on the floor with Dustin sprawled on top of me. "Okay, you can get off of me now."

"'s just you." Dustin said, getting off of me. He extended out his hand to help me up. I smiled thankfully and grasped his hand. I frowned when I noticed patches of dried mud at the bottom of his pants.

"Dusty, why do you have mud on your pants?" I asked. Dustin helped me stand up.

"Mud? What mud? There's no mud." Dustin rambled, letting go of my hand.

"You can't just tell me there's no mud when there obviously is." I pointed to the dried mud patches.

"What?" Dustin dragged out, his voice higher. He nervously chuckled. "You know what? I have to get dressed for school and you need to leave my room so I can get dressed for school."

"Are you trying to-"

"Gotta get changed Dawn!" Dustin said, pushing me out of his room. I stumbled into the hallway looking back at my little brother in disbelief. He gave me a cheeky smile and closed the door in my face.

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