The Parent Role

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  Live to Tell - Madonna

T h e  H e l l F i r e  C l u b  P T

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T h e  H e l l F i r e  C l u b  P T . I I

"I feel old walking back into this school." I pouted as Steve and I walked into the high school gym hand in hand. "Do you feel old?"

"Well, now that you bring it up I do." Steve frowned as we walked passed some freshman. "Do we look sad for coming to support high schoolers?"

"Dustin called us the parents of the group." I started to go up the bleachers. Steve snorted at the comment. "So...I guess not?"

"If we're coming out to support them rather than their actual parents, then yes, we're their parents. I'll gladly be their parental figure if it means we come to their school events." Steve glanced down at me.

"Dawn!" Robin called out as we passed the band.

She waved at me with a big smile. I smiled back a nod and gave her a wave. Glancing back at the court, I saw Lucas looking around in the crowd as he did drills with the basketball team. I called out his name. He snapped his attention towards me. A smile took over his nervous features, his shoulders relaxing. Lucas gave me a small wave, trying to hide it from his teammates.

"See? Seeing them happy makes me happy." Steve nodded towards Robin before sending her a wink as he noticed the girl next to her.

Robin rolled her eyes at him. She went back to playing music, joining in at the right note. We sat near the top to have a good view of the game and to still be near to Robin to talk to her if we could. A minute later, the band stopped playing music and Mr.Fleener, walked towards the middle of the court where a mic was.

"Everyone now please rise for our national anthem." Mr. Fleener motioned for everyone to stand up.

I stood up and anxiously licked my lips. Steve looked at me worriedly.

"What? What's wrong?" He whispered, leaning towards me.

"Mr. Fleener had contacted me a few days ago if I could do the national anthem and I turned him down. I'm kinda scared to see who he got to replace me instead." I informed him.

"Singing for us, a very special guest."

"Not really if you're not singing." Steve muttered towards me.

"All the way from Nashville, our very own Tammy Thompson!"

The crowd applauded and cheered as Tammy walked into the gym with a white outfit. She waved her hands at everyone and wore a big smile. Steve and I exchange glanced before we looked towards Robin. She looked at us with shocked expression.  She mouthed something towards us that got lost in the cheers.

"We love you Tammy!" Someone called out.

Tammy started to sing the national anthem, the mic automatically giving feedback. I flinched at the sound knowing this was going to feel like a long song. Steve turned towards Robin.

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