t h i r t y - t w o

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I apologise in advance for this chapter becuz it's boring 😩 ya girl is tired



When Namjoon woke up, he was unbearably cold, had a huge ass headache, and his limbs felt heavy.

He groans and tries to sit up, his head rolling to the side with how heavy it felt. He settles for laying back down and groaning in pain.

He doesn't know why he suddenly feels this way. He doesn't remember going out and drinking and he's a pretty healthy guy so he doesn't understand why he'd suddenly become sick.

Namjoon rolls over and attempts to wrap his arms around his boyfriend, only to realize that Seokjin wasn't laying next to him. He whines to himself when he feels nothing but cold air.

"Hey Namjoon, I was wondering if we could go to-" Seokjin stops speaking when he sees his boyfriend's condition. Sweaty all over, shivering, and his face was hella red.

"Oh no," Yoongi coos from his side where he was waddling along with his father.

"Oh no indeed." Seokjin mutters as he makes his way over to Namjoon. "Hey baby, what's wrong?" He moves Namjoon's sweaty bangs from his face. The latter scrunches his nose and groans.

"I dunno..."

"What do you mean you don't know? Where does it hurt at?"

Namjoon sighs and let's his eyes close, moving his head into Seokjin's palm. Yoongi tries to look over the bed from the floor but he can't see anything but blankets. He whines and Seokjin lifts him up onto the bed.

"Daddy?" He asks, taking his tiny hand and placing it on his damp forehead, mimicking what Jin did earlier.

"Y-yes, kitten?" The sick one says. His voice is scratchy and Jin winces in second hand pain because he assumes Namjoon's throat is sore.

Jin knew a thing or two about having a sore throat.

"Sad?" Yoongi continues with tiny, furrowed eyebrows. Seokjin smiles a bit, leaving to go get Hoseok and a medicine for Namjoon.

"No no baby. Daddy's just sick."


"Yucky." Namjoon says, a word Yoongi would much better understand.

"Ooohhh," the toddler nods in understanding. "Daddy yucky?"

"Yup. Daddy is yucky."

The little one crawls on top of Namjoon and lays down on his chest, listening to the weird sounds his body makes. "Kitten be yucky with daddy."

Namjoon sighs, closing his eyes and wrapping an arm around his son. "No no. Yoongi can't be yucky with daddy."

The toddler frowns. "Yes yes."

"No no."

"Yes yes, daddy." He counters again. Namjoon smiles at his adorable kid.

"No no, kitten."


"Because being yucky isn't fun and it's painful."


"Because your body is fighting off sickies and in order for your body to be healthy, your blood cells have to fight off the sickies which also causes your body to hurt sometimes."


"Because of a process called-" and then Namjoon realizes that Yoongi will just continue to say 'why' without even caring about what Namjoon says.

Baby Daddy - namjin Where stories live. Discover now