e i g h t

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Warning: mentions of suicide and depressing stuff

Namjoon left the room immediately.

There was no way he could be in the same room as Jin in this moment.

At this seriously confused moment.

A man? Pregnant with his kid?


"No." Namjoon found himself muttering over and over again repeatedly as he walked through the hospital halls.

There was no way Kim Seokjin was pregnant with his child.

They had met at a danty and cheap night club, talked a bit, and then ended up spending the night with each other. They barely knew anything about each other and- well, Namjoon was still young!

He was young and had a whole future of opportunities in front of him. But opportunities like what? Running a business for his whole life? Being stressed from paperwork and sleepless nights alone in the coldness of his house? Wrapped in the biting frost of his frozen heart?

See, Namjoon had always wanted something.

Something as in, something to stop something from being something.

Let's add the variables.

Something as in someone to stop his heart from being cold.

Sure Normani filled that position in a way. Filled it wonderfully, actually. She made him happy, made him laugh and took care of his emotions when he needed emotional support. She was everything he thought could ever need in life. A life with her was like a life with happiness.

But of course, he had thought wrong.

Because if he was truly happy, he wouldn't have went to a club bent on hooking up with a stranger.

They had been in an argument. She told him she accepted a deal from a huge entertainment company in America. The thing was, she didn't tell him until after she boarded her plane. She knew he wouldn't let her go, and that he wouldn't be able to come to America with her. They would've tried to work out some long distance thing but unfortunately, long distance is the wrong distance.

The couple dropped their relationship. They dropped it because they were always supportive of each other's dreams. He knew she wanted to teach dance classes and dreamed of singing to wide crowds. So he let her go, it was hard. Very hard to let go the of his happiness. Or 'temporary' happiness. But Namjoon managed to pull through without her. Plus, she misses her family and would rather sign a deal in America, where she could visit them freely, than in South Korea, where she'd have to follow a strict contract continents away from her family.

He often thought about others more than he needed to and neglected himself alot. He wanted her to be with her family since he never really had anyone except his strict father.

Deep in his thoughts as he mindlessly walked about, Namjoon ended up in the West wing of the hospital. Sit it was a huge building, it was sectioned off into four wings.

•The ER wing

•The Surgery wing

•The other wing that was designed for check ups and appointments

•The maternity wing

And when Namjoon finally paid attention to his surroundings, he was frozen in shock. Because before him was a buzz of doctors rushing and in the distance, women screaming. Near the left side of him, Namjoon saw a woman who looked in pain clutching her husband's hands and could hear the man talking sweet nothings to her. Telling her about her how beautiful the baby will be and how he couldn't wait to see their baby girl.

Baby Daddy - namjin Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ