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(idk what I said in past chapters about their hair colors but let's just say Jin has brown/brunnette hair and Namjoon's is dyed blonde. 🤷🏽‍♀️)

Seokjin let out a heavy sigh as he finished wrapping a sandwich before placing the Walmart™ sticker on it.

Working at the deli section wasn't as bad as it seemed. He got paid eleven dollars an hour for chopping sandwich meat and putting together plain ass subs and sandwiches. It was better then getting paid nine dollars for being a grocery bagger. Plus, he didn't have to talk to people or deal with yappy old ladies complaining about their bread being at the bottom of the bag.

He carefully placed the sandwich on the display case and went back to making some expensive ass Italian sub.

Sometimes he wished he could've pursued his dreams of becoming a chef at a fancy restaurant, or even owning said fancy restaurant. But his parents pushed him to get a degree in the medical field, despite one in the culinary arts field. His major was medicine, but Seokjin did take the opportunity to minor in culinary, lucky that his parents didn't seem to mind.

And while he graduated college already, he hadn't really been looking for a job that fit any of the criteria he had. Being a doctor didn't sound so bad, but that's four more years in college, which is basically like four more years in school. And Jin, being a twenty four year old, didn't want to wait until he's forty to pay off student loans. Kinda why he has a bachelor's degree. Which, to be honest, can pretty much get him placed in a shady clinic in the dangerous side of town where the crime rate is higher than the crackhead-zombies walking the streets.

So that was a waste of two years.

But the culinary part kinda paid off. It got him a job at Walmart! At least it wasn't some creepy Doc McStuffins hospital where they operate on things that shouldn't even be considered 'human'. So hey, Jin deserves a gold star for dodging that bullet.

"I should be cooking some high class meal at a five star restaurant," he found himself muttering out his thoughts as he sliced two peices of sub bread. "Not working at some wannabe Subway inside of a damn Walmart."

He placed a sickly greenish-yellowish peice of cheese onto the bread and laid down some salami and turkey meat onto it. "I should be decked out in the newest brands of clothes, a beautiful woman on my arm, walking down the streets of Seoul with gold flying behind me." He slammed the sandwich together and began wrapping it in Christmas type paper. It was Christmas Eve, and surprisingly enough, there weren't much customers in the deli section. Which is kinda a plus.

"Not stealing those cheap clothes from Jackson, questioning my sexuality, or walking around like a rainbow flag is sticking out if my asshole." Jin sloppily placed the Walmart™ sticker on the sub and tossed it on the display case.

"That's not very nice customer service, now is it, hyung?"

Jin looked up and nearly cut his thumb while slicing more bread. He saw Namjoon dressed in a black leather jacket with nice fitted black jeans and boots. His undershirt was also black and the Rolex watch on his wrist was- you guessed it- black. He had his hair swept to the side, giving view of his forehead and dark eyebrows.

Jin decided to take his eyes away from the handsome man and glanced at the clock on the wall that flashed 4:39.

"Are you working overtime today?" Namjoon said, eyeing the sandwiches on the display case.

"No, I just wasn't keeping track of time and I..." He glanced at the man picking through the packaged sandwiches. "I didn't think you'd actually come and pick me up."

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