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Ayyyy bitch it's my bday!!!😊💜

So here's your chapter!! Happy bday to anyone else born on June 23rd!!!

Super unedited


"No no!"

"Yes yes!"

"Noooo daddy!"

"Yesss daddy!"

"Noooo!" Yoongi cries out loudly.

"Why?" Namjoon asks him and he starts whining incoherent words.

"Why Yoongi? Why don't you like baths? Do you wanna be fat and ugly like Dada or do you wanna be clean and bootiful like me?"

"Bitch, I'm thicc!" Jin yells from the bedroom.

"Bitch don't curse in front of my kids."

"Daddy no no," he cries again and Namjoon sighs. He starts to think of what he could do to get Yoongi into the bathtub without throwing his ass in like a rag doll. He sucks his teeth before suddenly coming up with an idea.

"Oh my!" He gasps dramatically. "Where is Yoongi!?" He pretends that he doesn't see the toddler staring up at him with confuses eyes.

Namjoon sees Jin glaring at him and he motions for him to play along as well. He does. "Where's Yoongi!?"

Yoongi waddles over to Namjoon and pulls on his pajama pants while whining. The father looks down and gasps again, more dramatic and over exaggerated.

"Ew! Yoongi is that you!? Wow! I couldn't see you under all that dirt!"

"D-dirt..?" Yoongi whispers with a lisp that made Namjoon want to break character. He was just so cute.

"Yeah! If you get in the bath, all the dirt will come off! Then we will be able to see you!" He nods furiously like how Hoseok does when he's sure of something. Yoongi whimpers before attempting to pull off his shirt. He couldn't though.

His big ass head got stuck in the head hole.

He screams and Jin scoffs, leaving his spot from the mirror and helping his son while Namjoon laughs his booty off. He undressed Yoongi and placed him in the tub of warm water and bubbles. The toddler hissed but that was something Jin had gotten used to so he just continued to scrub and wash his son.

"There kitten," Namjoon smiles at the fresh and clean toddler who had a pout on his lips. "You look like an actual human and not some mutated rat."

Yoongi didn't understand so he just fell into his father's embrace, yawning tiredly. He picks him up and walks downstairs where Hoseok was babbling nonsense to Seokjin's mother. He had his Mr. Krabs toy in his hand and seemed to be animatedly talking about gossip around Bikini Bottom. Well. That's how Namjoon imagined it.

"How come that one's so skinny? You have all this money but my grandson looks like a stick!" The old mother scolds Namjoon when she sees him. He laughs a bit awkwardly and sets Yoongi on the play mat.

"The doctors said he will grow when he gets older. He's perfectly healthy." The young man says while taking a seat next to his boyfriend's mother. She sends him a worried look but he places a hand on her arm.

"He's fine. A bit underweight but his body fat will even out as he grows." He reassures. The grandmother nods and turns to look back at Hoseok who was wobbling on his feet while holding on to her knees.

"You sure he isn't premature?" She asks again, Namjoon rolling his eyes as he was beginning to grow irritated. "Hoseok is younger but he's bigger than him-"

Baby Daddy - namjin Where stories live. Discover now