1| Strange Encouters

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Kayomi slept in her self made bed. Her brown hair sprawled all over her self made brown pillow. The Brown homeade comforter covering her body comforts her no ends. She then opens her eyes and the dim lights in the wooden room were on. She turns a next to her her double self made bed with many handmade yet professionally looking pillows that had designs on them mathcing the blanket and the two mattresses stacked ontop of one another. The headboard was against the wooden wall of her room. She then remembered her and her sisters living conditions. They lived in forest like area...with in a big house Kayomi made using her quirk and there were other structures in the forests built by Kayomi. She sat up in the bed and looked around her room. The room walls were stone. Kayomi built the house using her Earthflow quik to make the strcuture and used wood to from it. She them used mud to. Keep the structure together. Then she had a old friend come over and use his quirk to make the house stable by covering the walls in cement and stone and sar before letting it dry and becoming house that can stand up agaosmt a tornado and tsunami. Kayomi didnt put windows in since she likes it better when it dim or the light just is in the house. She gets off the queen size bed. The youm voluptous woman stretched and prepares for the day. She dosent wear clothes...she wears a knee length yukata dress with an obi. She gets her geta sandals out of her closet too and closes it. She then leaves her room and closes her door. She walks past many rooms and begins walking down the stairs.  She looks looks in the living room which houses 3-3 seat couches and two singular couches with a long cofee table. Due to her sisters Akarikos quirk their home has electricity. She didnt see her sister. Kayomi believed she went to go play at the little water park That was mad efor her. She then walked towards the back of the house. She eventually makes it through the back door which leads to two sections that are closed off from one another by a giant stone wall. Two big hot spring baths. Usually she and her sister only used one since it was only them but now and then they find people in the forest who need help so they usually find them and bring them here to treat injuries as such. If they were to have a man come then he would use the seperate spring. Fortanatley the spring is in the back of the big two story home. Kayomi goes into the strage zone and places her things in a basket along with her towel. She walks towards the springs. She slowly takes off her clothes. She was wearing a night gown and undewear and thats it. She leaves the clothes in a pile and slowly enters the warm soothing water. She sighs. "...I am going to need to go by the waterfall later to gather water...." The young 20 year old medical expert woman tild herself. Her long brown and wavy hair became wet complelty. She blsuhed to hereself. She sometimes was weired about bathing in a hot spring since she wa sa woman. She hugged her large breasts in embarassment. She sometimes hated her too perfect body. She puffed her lucious pink and plump lips. She sat on her knees and thought of Akariko. 'When you get back Akariko your going to clean your room...'

Akariko swiftly slid down the slide and into the giant pool. The splach echoes. Akariko swam to the surface. The 17 year old girl breathed in. She was wearing her yellow swimsuit. She wasnt big chested like her sister. She was petite and had average kind of young school girl body and normal chest. She sometimes wished she had a body likenher sister but that is never going to happen...at least not any time soon. She gets out of the water. She shakes her head free of the water. Her hair reached her lower shoulder. Her sister hair reached her lower back. Akariko had straight hair and cut bangs and curled up side bangs. She was going to go down another one of the many 20 big slides again but decided enough fun was had. She picked up her yellow towel and wrapped it around her as she walked towards the direction of her and her sisters house. The 17 year old walked quietly in silence. She stopped when she heard talking. She swiftly ties the towel around her petite form and quickly swings on tree branches to hide. She then follows the talking by hopping from tree to tree. She eventually sees a group of people. One of them is being held by one wearing a bodysuit. Each person looked strangley unique. One man was scarred, another was a lizard, another had a missing arm, the girl was unconscious in the bodsuit mans arms. Another man was missing fungers and he was leaning on the boduit mans back. Then the one caught he attention the most was the man with a couple of hands on his body and one on his head. He had a ruined ocer coat over his clothes and red sneakers. He had light blue hair. She heard then began litsening to their conversation.  "So the doctor is giving us his full support now since we got the gorilla to submit..." The one armed masked man said. Twice nodded. "Yeah...but what are we going to do about Toga and Giran...they are injured...and the Doctor dosent recommend using his warping quirk on them since it could injure them worse...and they medical attentuon now..." Dabis eyes narrowed because of two reasons. 1: Of how everyone is being so worried over Toga and Giran and 2: The feeling of someone watching. "There is someone watching..." He said. They ahd just barley escaped from the heroes and tbis is exactly what they needed. Shigaraki noted his and observed their surrounding before someone hiding un the trees. "Over there..." Dabi said looking where Shigaraki was looking. There was a girl there. Twice saw this. "HEY WHO ARE YOU, NICE TO MEET YOU!" His split personas said both speaking their mind. Akariko gasped. She then ran through the trees to get away. Shigaraki growled in frustration. "AFTER HER!" The Leauge then began pursuing her. Twice made a double to carry Giran while the real Twice carried Toga. Akariko ran in the trees as they pursued her. The young girl wished she had stayed and cleaned her room like Kayomi asked her to. She then looked back to see The Lizard beginning to pursue her in the trees. Then the scarred man had enough he shot out his blue flames. They shot the tree and it burned causing her to fall on her back. Akariko breathed in deeply from the air that blew out if her lungs.  The group of villans then gathers around her. The scarred man readies his flame and kneels down to get a good view of the petite girl. "What are you doing here little girl...." Akariko coudlnt say anything she was too scared to. The man with the hands spoke the trembling girl. He had no kindness in his eyes. All there was in there was distortion. One of his hands were missing a large chunk and he looked exhausted. He had rings around his eyes and his face was scary. "Give us a reason why we shouldnt kill you..." Akariko was shaking and somhow managed to form words. "Because...I can take you to someone who can help you with your injuries..." She had observed all of them and they seemed heavily injured an exhausted and add hungry to the list too. Dabi raised an eyebrow while Compress asked. "You think someone can actually help us...?" She nods. "She is a medical expertise....she is the best I know..." Shigarakis hair covered alot of hisnface and his emotionless eyes said alot but not in this situatuon. "Take us to this Medical Expertise....I look forward to seeing what she can do..." From the way he spoke she had a bright idea that he was the leader. Then he continued. "However if you prove to be useless...you both will die..." Akariko nodded in dear. The scareed man seemed to cackle and mock her fear. 'No doubt...these are villans..." Akariko stood up. Her heart was racing. She didnt know what these villans could do to her right now if they wanted to. She then realized who they were. She began walking realizing if she didnt start walking they would grow wary and may get annoyed. They followed her. They were the Leauge Of Villans. She remembered she and Kayomi watching on T.V All-Mights Battle with All For One....the most dangerous villan to date. She took a quick peek at the hand guy to her side. 'He must be Tomura Shigaraki...' She was so stupid for not recognizing who he was. Kayomi has no idea what Akariko has done now. She had ni time to think about that as they contiued to walk following th 17 year old through the forest.

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