Chapter 15: A Happy Reunion

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Moana's POV
I woke up and was processing all the events that had happened the day before. My date, Pitch, the fight, Elsa's sacrifice, her being stabbed, Eugene and Punzie dating. Too much.
And what's more upsetting is that I was about to have my first kiss with Dimitri and then Pitch came and ruined it.
I got dressed in a cherry red tank top with black leggings and a pair of Uggs.
I went to wake up Naomi when I saw her leaving her room.
"Hey sis", she said waving to me.
"Hey", I said yawning.
"Let's go get some breakfast", she said looking her arm through mine.
We found again that we were the last ones awake. I was a little chilly, so I grabbed my sweatshirt by the door. I started walking away when the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it", I yelled to the others.
I opened the door and looked at the people standing there. I gasped, and started crying tears of joy.
Anna's POV
We heard Moana gasp and start crying so we rushed over to the door to see her hugging four boys and a middle aged man.
"Oh my god, I never thought I would see you guys again", she said through tears.
"Well we're here now", the boy in blue said.
"I missed you guys so much", she said wiping away her tears.
"Hey Moana, mind telling us who they are?", I asked her.
She turned around to see us all standing there.
"Oh sorry, these are my friends and their dad from New York", she gestured towards the group. "Leo, Raph, Mikey, and Donnie".
She pointed down the line of boys introducing us to them.
"Oh yeah, Moana's told us a lot about you guys. She missed you like crazy", Punzie told the boys.
"She wasn't the only one", Raph said wrapping his arm around Moana.
"And this is Master Splinter", Moana said pointing to the man. "He's the one who taught me how to fight and he's like a second father to me".
"Hello, we have been informed of your occupations, your secret is safe with us", Splinter said looking at us.
"Wait, what?!?", Mer asked.
"Don't worry, Mer, they know how to keep a secret, they're ninjas after all. Their whole life is based on a secret", Moana said reassuring her.
"Anyways, this is Kristoff, Anna, Elsa, Jack, Punzie, Eugene, Hiccup, Merida, and Naomi", she said pointing each one of us out.
"Wait, why does Naomi look exactly like you?", Mikey asked looking extremely puzzled.
Punzie then stepped forward and explained what her bracelet does.
"Hey, can I check that out?", Donnie asked stepping towards Punzie.
She nodded and he examined the bracelet.
"This is really cool, I've built a lot of machines, but never something like this. This is amazing", Donnie said handing her bracelet back.
"What kind of machines have you built Donnie?", Punzie asked him.
"I've built a robot, a music player, I've even reengineered a subway car into a working vehicle and I'm working on something that Mikey requested; an anti gravity calzone maker", he listed.
"Wow, Moana was right, you are a genius", Punzie exclaimed.
I could see Eugene was a little annoyed with Donnie talking to Punzie. I was gonna say something to him, but Donnie beat me.
"Relax Eugene, I wasn't hitting on her, I was just admiring her work, besides I have a girlfriend", he said with his back facing Eugene.
"Huh, how did you know?", Eugene asked.
"A ninja has eyes in the back of their head", he said facing us.
"Uhh, Master Splinter, I've been practicing ever since I left, and I think I've gotten better", Moana said looking at her sensei.
"Would you like to test that?", he asked stroking his beard.
"Yes, and since I've already taken on Mikey and Donnie together, I wanna take on Raph and Leo together", she said looking at the two older boys.
"Very well, with or without weapons?", he asked her.
"With", she said.
"We have a dojo downstairs if you want that", Elsa said to Splinter.
"Thank you Ms Elsa", he said to her.
We all went downstairs and Merida got them their weapons. Leo had two twin katanas, Raph had these things called the Sai and Moana had her fan. Leo and Raph got on one side and Moana on the other.
"Leo and Raph vs Moana, last person standing wins. Hajimeh!", he shouted, which I assumed meant go.
Raph charged Moana immediately and tried to hook her foot, but she did a backflip and dodged.
"Oh snap, she pulled that backflip on him", Mikey said snapping. I giggled.
While she was in the air, she threw two throwing stars at him causing a distraction. He blocked both , but that gave her enough time to sneak up behind him, swing her leg under him and make him fall flat on his back.
Raph was out.
Leo who was behind her, tried to do the exact same thing, but she blocked and flipped to the edge of the mat. He charged at her and she flipped over him. She threw her fan at him, but he dodged with ease.
"You're a little rusty, might wanna practice a little", he said to her.
She smirked standing up straight and crossed her arms. He looked confused as to why she was just standing there. And all of a sudden, her fan came back like a boomerang and hit him in the back of the head. While he was stunned, she delivered a high kick to his chest and he fell on his back.
"You talk too much", Moana said standing over him, fanning herself.
"Yeah Moana", Naomi cheered as she hugged her twin.
"Hey, do you guys mind watching our fighting style?", Elsa asked Splinter.
He nodded.
"Oh no, I'm not getting in the ring with you again", Eugene said backing up.
"Don't worry, you're not Eugene. Jack is", Elsa said smirking to him.
Jack's eyes went wide and Mer and Hiccup started laughing.
"Good luck bud", Kristoff said as Jack got in the ring with Els.
"No powers", Elsa said to Jack. "And don't worry babe, I'll go easy on you".
I beamed from ear to ear. "Babe?!", I asked hyper.
Elsa and Jack nodded.
Me and Punzie squealed.
Mer rang the bell to start. Jack charged towards Elsa and she did a barrel roll under his feet causing him to trip.
She catapulted herself up and looked at Jack. He went to punch her, but she dodged with a backbend. She pulled him out of the corner and flipped him over her shoulder, still holding onto his arm. She performed a Ronda Rousey armbar and he tapped out almost immediately.
"He lost to his girlfriend?", Raph asked almost laughing.
"What, you think you can beat me Raph?", Elsa asked still in the ring.
"I know I can", he replied sounding a little too cocky.
"Good luck, Raph, I heard Elsa is the best in the agency", Mikey said to his brother.
"I got this", he said getting in the ring.
"Would you like me to go easy or hard on you?", she asked him rolling her arm.
"Show no mercy", he said.
Oh boy.
Merida's POV
After what Elsa did to Jack and Eugene in training, I wonder what she'll be like showing no mercy.
The bell rang and Raph charged at her. She did the same, grabbing his arm, swinging him into the ropes to deliver a Rear View. He bounced back up and she did a Bayley to Belly. She went for the cover, but she only got one. She punched him a couple of times then picked him up for a German suplex. As he was stunned, she went up to the top rope, waited for him to stand and delivered a Mediora. She went for the cover again, but got a kick out. He rolled her up for the cover, but got to one. He jabbed her a few times and pulled her hair.
He tried punching her again, but she did a split under his arm. She did an Empress Kick that got him down. She pulled him over to the corner and performed a beautiful Split-Legged Moonsault. Again a cover, but failed. She started getting pissed and punched at him furiously.
She went up to the top rope and performed an Eclipse.
"I have the coolest girlfriend", Jack said beside me, still holding his arm.
She thought he was out, but he punched her in the face and kicked out her right knee. She screamed in pain. He went for the cover, but Elsa kicked out at 2.
She laid there, hurt and tired, while Raph headed to the top rope. She opened her eyes right when he jumped, and put her knees up.
He landed right on her knees and they both looked hurt.
"Is it about time we finished this little boy off?", she said hopping over on one leg.
Jack and I nod.
She turns around and is clotheslined by Raph. Who then kicked her in the ribs.
He went for the cover, but failed at 2 again.
She got up and drop kicked him, then she rolled him over onto his stomach for a Disarmer.
"Dude, tap out, she's gonna break your arm", Mikey yelled to his brother whose arm was still rising between Elsa's legs.
"She won't break my arm", Raph said confidently.
She pulled his arm up more and he cried in pain. Seeing no other option, he tapped out.
"Yeah babe", Jack said rushing over to his girlfriend.
"No hard feelings, right Raph?", Elsa asked him helping him up. He took her extended hand and got up.
"Yeah, man, just never thought I'd lose to a girl, except for Mona and Karai", he said holding his arm.
"Who are they?", I asked confused.
"Karai is my girlfriend, who is also a part of the Hamato Clan and Mona is Raph's girlfriend who specializes in the art of using only laser weapons", Leo explained to us.
"I wanna meet Raph's girlfriend, she sounds cool", I said.
"Ouch!", Elsa said falling to the ground.
"Elsa, you okay?", Jack asked running to Elsa's side.
"Yeah, just sore from when Raph kicked my knee out. Could you help me to my room please?", she asked.
Jack picked her up like a bride and to the elevator.
They are so cute together. I wish that was me and Hiccup.

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