Chapter 9: Training Put To Use

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Merida's POV
Hiccup has been doing extremely well with training. He's becoming very dedicated to it in fact, he even trained all night to train with Elsa in the ring. I'm surprised he wants to fight her before me. Now, I'm strong with my rage, but I know Elsa could kick my ass in a heartbeat.
But I've been learning to control my anger, Anna once told me that anger is a dangerous ally, it clouds your judgement. In order to control it, she told me to let it flow over me, like river over stone.
Anyways, Hiccup is coming with us on his first mission. Even though he's going, he's gonna be in the van monitoring the security cams.
"Ok, remember our mission is to protect Prince Naveen at his campaign speech. Now look around and see if you can find anything to our advantage", Elsa commanded.
We searched around, and after 4 minutes, I found a gun taped to the bottom of one of the chairs in the rows. "Elsa, there's a gun taped to the bottom of this chair", I said flipping it over.
"Nice work, Mer", Hiccup said patting my back.
I could feel myself blushing, WAIT NO MERIDA,
You are NOT catching feelings for Hiccup.
"Check the other chairs, if you find any others, flip those over", Elsa demanded.
Turns out, we found about 12 more chairs with guns taped to them. We are dealing with basic enemies.
"Ok, everyone remember which chairs had the guns, those are where our enemies are sitting", Elsa said in a broad voice.
Anna and Punzie finished setting up the cameras for Hiccup, while he went to his post in the van. We all took our positions as the guests started piling in.
Time skip -1 hour later
Naveen is nearly done with his speech, that I can recognize from behind the door. I was about to fall asleep if he didn't get done.
According to Anna, the men who are seated on the gun chairs seem to look confused as to why they're not there. Then I can hear Hiccup's voice in my ear piece.
"Seasons, there are more men coming, I believe there are 15 in the vents making their way to the room, 10 running down the hallway that Summer is guarding, and two coming your way Autumn", I heard him say.
I heard them coming my way, I reach in my belt and pull out a knock out gas bomb Punzie made. I threw it down the hallway, and then seconds later, I heard hard coughing and two thumps.
I could hear Hiccup say that the men were reaching in their jackets for their weapons. Of freakin course! That's when I heard Els yelling at everyone to get down, everyone just stared at her confused.
Douchebags. I stormed in and started yelling, pointing my gun. "SHE SAID GET DOWN!!", I yelled at the guests. When they saw me walk in, it only took the blink of an eye for them to get down.
Els already got Naveen to safety, Anna and Punzie are getting the guests out, so now me and Els get to have some fun.
Hiccup's POV
I watched on the monitors as the girls destroyed the enemies as if they were nothing. Then all of a sudden, I heard the doors of the van open behind me and two men dragged me out. Without hesitation, I threw in uppercut to the first guy's jaw, then I flipped the guy who was holding me over my shoulder, knocking him unconscious. Before the other guy had enough time to recover, I quickly retrieved a knife and slammed it into the top of his skull. I ran back to the monitors to check on the girls. They were done with their part.
"Anymore of them Hic", Anna asked breathing heavy in the mic.
"Nope, you guys got them all", I voiced over.
I turned to look at my two attempted captors, but then I realized to my horror; one was gone.
I became paranoid as I continued to watch the monitors. I picked up the nearest handgun, when I heard a noise. I pointed the gun to a very confused Punzie.
"Sorry Punzie, I thought you were one of the guys", I said apologetically.
She nodded.
"Whoa Hiccup, did you do this?", Mer asked sounding very impressed.
"Yeah, there was another one, but I think I didn't throw him to the ground hard enough", I said scratching the back of my head.
"Aww, his first kill, I'm so proud of you", Mer said hugging me. I love it when she hugs me.
"So, how about celebratory dinner for Hiccup's first kill?", Anna suggested.
We all agreed and went back to the house to pick up Moana and Naomi.
This is the coolest thing to happen to me, ever.

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