Chapter 8: New Recruit

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Hiccup's POV
I can't believe what I have just heard. These girls are spies. Now it all makes sense. Why they always whisper, why they never had any marks or bruises from the boys hitting them, why they were extremely graceful, why they're super observant. They are spies.
"Oh crap", I heard Anya say.
"Ok, Hiccup you have to come with us to see our boss", Eliza said grabbing my arm.
"Whoa whoa whoa, what is happening here?", I asked very puzzled.
"It's either we recruit you as a spy or we kill you", Marissa said looking at me with a knife in hand.
"Marissa, no, we're not killing him", Paris said getting ahold of her knife.
"We're taking him to Walt, he'll know what to do", Eliza said taking my arm.
We walked for a few minutes before we were at 5 black motorbikes. The girls got on them and I rode with Anya to this big, steel building.
We walked inside and Ember was stopped by a guy with chestnut hair. The girls let them be, giggling away.
Anya knocked on a door and entered.
"Walt, we have to talk to you", Paris said.
A chair turned around to reveal a man who looked to be in his early sixties, wearing a very expensive suit.
"Who is this?", he asked.
"This is Hiccup Haddock, a friend of ours. He accidentally found out about us", Eliza said to the old man.
"Are you willing to recruit him?", Walt asked the girls.
"Yes we are", Eliza said with confidence.
"Tell me young man, what skills do you have?", Walt asked looking straight at me.
"I'm good with technology of all sorts and different assortments of weapons, preferably a sword sir", I said as brave as I could.
"That's enough for me, the girls will show you around their house, that's where you'll begin your training", Walt said with a smile.
"Thank you, sir", I said shaking his hand.
"Please, call me Walt", he said letting go of my hand.
I nodded and left with the girls.
We exited the office and Ember and that guy were still talking.
"Ember come on, we have to get back to the house", Eliza said.
Ember and the guy hugged and she skipped over to us beaming.
"Guess who has a date with Dimitri?", Ember said smiling.
All the girls squealed and gave her a hug.
"Oh my god, that's amazing Em!", Paris said hugging her.
"So where and when are you guys going?", Anya asked ecstatic.
"Saturday and I have no clue as to where we're going, but he said to dress casual", Ember said.
"Ok, as exciting as this is, we have to get Hiccup back to our house", Marissa said pulling me with her.
We got to their house, and went into a room, which I assumed was Eliza's. I didn't know because we only remained downstairs when I came over. She went to her closet, pushed the clothes aside, opened the back of the closet to reveal an elevator. We got in and Marissa hit a button. Within seconds we were stopped and the doors opened to a giant training room. It looked more like a funhouse than anything. I gasped and looked around.
"Here, go try this on, it's a suit made, they're flexible, don't worry", Paris said handing me a spy suit.
"Thanks, where can I change?", I asked her before she left.
"Right over there", she answered pointing to a changing room.
I change in the suit and examined myself. It was sleeveless and made completely out of leather, but Paris was right about it being extremely flexible.
Man has my life changed in a flash.
I walked out of the room and saw the girls training. Marissa shooting bow and arrow, Eliza over by the punching bags and Paris and Anya in the ring.
They all stopped and came over to me, and I'm glad because I have quite a few questions.
"Ok, first off, do you guys have real names?",I asked looking at each of them.
"Yes, my real name is Elsa Delle", Eliza said.
I looked at Anya.
"Anna Delle", she said.
"Rapunzel Corona, but call me Punzie", she responded.
And Marissa
"Merida Dunbroch", she said looking a bit more nice.
"And what about those two", I asked pointing to Ember and Naomi.
"Ember is actually, Moana Morrison, daughter of the president", Eliza said.
"What about Naomi, I thought they were twins?", I asked still confused.
"Oh I can answer that", Punzie said stepping forward, "You see Naomi is a 3D hologram".
"What, but I thought you could go right through a hologram?", I asked even more puzzled.
"This bracelet I created is able to produce a hologram that looks,acts and feels like a human being, so we made Naomi", she explained.
"Oh, ok next question, are these your disguises?", I asked.
"Oh right, we'll be right back", Anna said walking off with girls.
They came back 2 minutes later and I was baffled.
"You're the girls from Starbucks", I said.
"Sure are", Merida said laughing.
"I was actually there, but I was pretending to be Naomi, thanks to the ever so clever Anna", Moana said gesturing to Anna. They've been way more fun than the guys.
Anna bowed and we all laughed. Seriously what was I doing with my life hanging out with the guys when I could've been with the girls.
"Wait, were you guys the girls on the motorbikes that rejected Jack?", I asked.
"Yup", Punzie said smirking. I laughed.
"So, are you ready to start training Hiccup?", Elsa asked, tossing me a sword.
I caught the handle and smiled. "Bring it".

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