Chapter 1: New Mission

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Elsa POV
What a fantastic way to wake up in the morning; by having an air horn blown in your ear.
"Elsa, wake up, Walt has a new mission for us!!", Merida screamed in my ear.
At that point I had gotten up immediately, gotten changed, brushed through my hair and left it down and ran downstairs.
Our boss or 'father' hasn't given us a good mission in about a month because he said they were all way too easy for our advanced level that we were on.
Anna and Punzie were already down there waiting for me and Merida.
"It's about time you woke up Sleeping Beauty", Anna said to me as I came down the stairs.
" Yeah me and Anna both tried to wake you up without Merida's air horn", Punzie replied.
After that discussion, we had breakfast and headed for the garage. There we kept our motorbikes. They were all basic black with the difference being we had our symbols on the side and light up, neon, color strips around the bottom. I had a snowflake and an ice blue strip on mine, Anna had a flower and forest green strip, Punzie had a sun and sunshine yellow strip and Merida had a leaf and fire red strip.
We took off for the agency to find out what our new mission was.
Anna POV
We arrived at the agency in about 10 minutes and we immediately headed for Walt's office. We got a ton of hellos from the other agents working there because we haven't been there for a while. I knocked on the door of the large office and heard a faint 'Come In' from the other side. I opened the door and we all walked in and stood in a straight line.
"Hello there girls", Walt said in a very welcoming tone.
"Hello Walt", we all replied in unison.
Walt is like a father to all of us since me and Els never really had one and Punzie and Mer rarely ever see theirs.
"As you know, I have a new mission for you girls because you are the best at what you do here, but this mission is not going to be easy, are you ready for this?", Walt asked with a slight look of worry.
We all looked at each other and nodded to our boss. He smiled warmly and proceeded with details. Our mission was to protect the daughter of the president. Her name was Moana and apparently she has the power of the four elements. Her power was supposed to be way more intense then all of ours. A being known as Pitch Black, is attempting to kidnap her and use her power for evil. For her own safety, her father placed her in a high school near here so we could protect her, also she will be living with us. Walt handed us the file and we were off.
"Aye there sheilas, haven't seen you guys in a while", came a voice we knew all too well.
"Hi Bunny", I said giving the big guy a hug.
"So how are the others?", Punzie asked.
"Oh their doing pretty good, we miss hanging out with you guys though".
Bunny is part of a group here called the Guardians. They're our best friends here and they are the next best group next to us. The group consists of Bunny, North, Sandy, and Tooth. And they come from different parts of the world. Bunny's from Australia, North's from Russia, Tooth is from India, and Sandy is from here in the States. Bunny's like the overprotective brother to us, you do not want to mess with him.
"We'll be able to hang out more because Walt gave us a new mission", Mer said.
"Alright, I'll let you guys get to it", he said walking off.
"So we have to go undercover at Lynch High", Elsa said as she read the file.
"And it says here we have to disguise as...NERDS?!?!", Punzie exclaimed with disgust.
"Great, that won't get us bullied or anything", Merida said with much sarcasm.
"Well, we have to do this for Walt and for Moana", I said lifting up the mood.
"Yeah, Anna's right, we can't think about ourselves in this situation. Plus, we're immune to most pain we endure", Elsa said supporting me.
We went home and started getting a room ready for Moana's arrival, it took about an hour, but we finally finished. We put together a bed, got some more comfy furniture, blankets, pillows, other decor, we filled her closet with clothes and shoes of all sorts. And we also bought a vanity for her.
"Hey, I have an idea, how's about we go and visit Moana now, so we can get to know her better", Merida suggested.
We all agreed to Merida's suggestion and off we went , to see Moana.

Lynch High is dedicated to one of my favorite WWE superstars, Becky Lynch. I will include different WWE women superstars in my story for those of you who like them. Also I update about once or twice a week, for those of you who want to know.

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