Chapter 3: Movie Night

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Moana's POV
This has been one of the best days of my life. I've only spent an hour with these girls and already I feel like I've known them whole life.
We got to their house and parked the bikes in a garage. Once we hopped off the bikes, we all looked at each other and burst out laughing.
"Did you see the looks on their faces when we burst out of the vine wall, that was priceless!", Anna exclaimed, then huffing in breaths of air.
"Oh my gosh, that was the best idea ever Els", Punzie said fist bumping her cousin.
"Thanks, I'll admit, I could have done better, but that was pretty funny".
"Anyways, Moana, wanna go check out the house?", Merida asked.
"Uhh, heck yeah!".
Anna and Punzie grabbed my hands and gave me the grand tour. The last thing they showed me was my room, and boy did I love it. It was ocean themed! There were beautifully colored waves in all shades of blue, palm trees, a golden beach and Snow White clouds.
"How did you guys get this done?", I asked curiously and puzzled.
Elsa and Punzie looked at each other, "We have our ways", they said in unison.
"So, how about a movie?", Mer suggested.
"Oh I brought this movie from home, it's called Jumanji, it has Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart in it", I said.
"Oh my gosh, Kevin Hart, yes we are watching it, he's so funny", Anna replied almost immediately.
We ran to the screening room, grabbed some snacks, and watched the movie.
Time skip
"Oh my god, that was the best movie ever, action and comedy is such a good mix", Punzie said ecstatic.
"My favorite part was when they felt the ground thumping and Fridge came out riding the elephant yelling "ZOOLOGY BITCH!!", Merida said laughing and then we all joined in on the laugh fest.
"Well we better get ready for bed, we have a long day tomorrow, going back to school", Anna said grumpy.
"Oh and Moana, our boss would like to meet you tomorrow before school", Elsa said to me.
"Okay, goodnight everyone", I said.
"Goodnight", the girls said in unison.
I changed into my new pajamas and got under the covers.
I really like it here, and I'm gonna be really sad when I have to go back home after all of this. I closed my eyes and quickly drifted off to sleep.
That night, I had the most awful dream. I dreamed that Pitch shot one of his sand bullets at me. I turned evil and joined him in ruling the world. I couldn't stop myself, I would cause earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, fires and I would kill people. The worst part is that I laughed about it too. I would kill for fun. I killed men, women, even children, with the natural disasters I brought. And then I saw my new friends, laying on the ground helpless. And for the first time in the dream, I saw my reflection in a puddle. I have never been more scared of myself than I had been in that point of my dream. My hair was risen above my head, I was dressed in all black, and my eyes. My eyes scared me the most. They glowed the color of blood.
The girls begged me to snap out of it, but I just laughed in a demonic voice. I raised my hand and threw a fireball at them. I woke up when they screamed in the dream.
I rushed to the mirror and looked at my reflection.
My face and hair were fine. I sighed a sigh of relief and returned to my bed.
I hope that doesn't actually happen to me or anyone else.

Jumanji is one my favorite movies of all time, so I wanted to include in the story somehow. If you haven't seen the movie yet, you aren't living if you haven't. And sorry for the short chapters, I have summer homework and it's really annoying. I will try to make my future chapters longer.

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