Chapter 13: A Date With Doom

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Dimitri's POV
I spent all day getting ready for the date with Moana. I planned it all out, I would take her on top of Angel Hill, eat a picnic dinner and watch the sunset.
We started driving and I felt her put her arms around my waist and set her head on my back. It was probably the most amazing feeling in the world.
Once we got there to Angel Hill, I helped her off my bike and told her to hop on my back.
"Are you sure, I don't wanna hurt you", she said almost worried.
"You couldn't if you tried", I said reassuring her.
She just shrugged and jumped on my back.
"Ok first of all, you are like the lightest person I've picked up before and second close your eyes", I told her.
She giggled and told me her eyes were closed.
I walked up the hill and put her down in front of the blanket and told her to open her eyes.
"Oh Dimitri, this is wonderful", she said hugging me.
I hugged her back. When she released, her eyes were filled with so much happiness.
" I haven't been on a picnic since I was little", she said sitting down.
"So, where are you originally from?", I asked her.
"New York, my father was always busy with work and my mother would help him, so I would always hang out with my friends, Leo, Donnie, Mikey and Raph and their father would always take us on picnics on a small beach that was kind of isolated from the public. We would always practice our Ninjitsu there, too", she explained.
"So what happened when you left?", I asked her wondering what happened.
"Their father they call, Splinter, took us on a goodbye picnic for me. I was only ten when I left, but he wanted to give me this", she said pulling something out of her bag. It turned out to be a fan with a symbol cut out in the middle.
"Wow, it's beautiful, what does the symbol in the middle represent?", I asked her.
"Oh, it stands for the Hamato clan, Master Splinter was originally from Japan and then moved here when his wife died in a fire. It's what she wanted to do before she died", she said with a bit of sadness. "But it was good because then he adopted the boys".
She pulled out her phone and showed me a picture of her and the boys.
"Leo in the blue is the oldest, Donnie in the purple is the second youngest, but he's also the smartest, Raph in the red is the second oldest and the strongest, and Mikey in the orange is the youngest and is the prankster of the brothers", she explained pointing them out to me.
"They all look the same age", I said to her.
"They are, they're just separated by months, I'm younger than Raph, but older than Donnie", she replied.
We talked about a ton of different things. And finally the sun was starting to set.
"This is perfect", she said leaning her head on my shoulder.
"Yeah, it sure is", I said looking her.
She looked up at me, we were just staring at each other. She started leaning and so did I. I closed my eyes and our lips barely brushed when I heard someone.
"Aww, isn't this romantic", the person said in an evil tone.
I turned my head. The man was dressed in all black, with charcoal gray skin and spiked black hair. He smiled to reveal rows of sharp teeth.
"Pitch! Stay away from me", Moana said backing up. I saw her press the ruby on her ring.
"And why would I do that my little weapon", he said coming closer.
At this point, I pulled my sword out. She did the same with her fan.
"Oh I really wish it didn't have to be that way, but if we must, we shall. Nightmares attack!!", he shouted.
Elsa's POV
After Moana left, we all headed to the screening room to watch a movie. We all decided on Home Alone. I don't know why, but whatever.
We shared 4 bowls of popcorn instead of making individual ones. Mer and Hic shared one, Anna and Kristoff shared, Punzie and Eugene shared, and then me and Jack shared. Naomi just had nachos instead.
About halfway through the movie, I could see Eugene and Punzie holding hands. I internally squealed. My cousin's got a boyfriend!
I then decided to lay my head on Jack's shoulder, he didn't seem to mind. But it shocked me when he put his head on mine. It was the best feeling in the world.
Time skip - At the end of the movie
I lifted my head off of Jack's and smiled at him. I got up from my seat and Jack followed. Then all of a sudden, our ruby rings started flashing.
"Moana!", I said racing to the garage.
"Get on Frost", I said to Jack putting my helmet on.
The boys rode with the girls and Naomi by herself.
We raced out of the garage and tracked the location of Moana.
I just hoped we weren't too late.
2 minutes later
When we got there, we saw Dimitri and Moana fighting these horse-like creatures made of black sand.
We rushed over and started using our powers.
"What, how did you find them?!?!", I assumed Pitch asked.
"We have our ways you creep", I said shooting ice at him.
"Hmm, you are very powerful, you could be a better weapon than Ms Moana here", he said to me.
"I would never join you", I said shooting more ice at him.
He disappeared and then I heard Moana scream. I turn around to see Pitch holding a dagger at her throat.
"If you don't come with me, I will kill her", he said getting the dagger closer to her throat.
"Fine, but let her go first", I said walking over to him.
He let her go and I walked in front of him, facing my team.
"Elsa, don't go with him, you don't know what he'll do to you", Jack pleaded.
"If this is what it takes to keep her safe then I'm doing it. Love means sacrifice", I said sternly.
I looked at Jack one last time, then everything went black.
Jack's POV
What am I gonna do, the girl I love vanished right in front of me and I couldn't even do anything. "How are we gonna find her, we need to find her now", I said in a panic.
"Jack are you okay?", Anna asked concerned.
"No, I'm not okay, Elsa is gone and I didn't do anything to save her", I answered realizing what I had just said.
"Wait, Jack do you like Elsa?", Punzie asked me.
"What, no", I lied.
Then Punzie got closer to me and looked me straight in the eyes.
"Do you like Elsa?", she repeated.
"No", I answered as calm as possible.
"He's lying", she said walking away from me.
"What, how did you know I was lying?", I asked confused.
"I didn't", she said smirking.
"Then how did you guess I was lying?", I asked back.
"You just told me", she said giggling.
The others started laughing as I could feel my cheeks burning up.
"Ok, I like Elsa", I said in embarrassment.
"Oh we could tell by the way you were begging for her name in Starbucks", Mer said in a laughing fit.
"Ok, but seriously how are we gonna find her?", Punzie asked.
The others shrugged their shoulders and I could see Naomi facepalming. "For spies, you aren't that observant, are you?", she asked.
"What are you talking about Naomi?", Mer asked confused like everyone else.
"Before Elsa's body was completely covered, I saw her press her ring, so if she pressed her ring, that would mean she's online, as a red dot", she said holding up the tracking device.
"Nice work, Naomi", Mer said looking at the tracker.
"Looks like she's not far from here", Eugene said.
"Ok, Moana, Dimitri and Naomi, I want you guys to go back to the house and relax a bit, the rest of us are going for Elsa. Jack, you have to drive Elsa's bike", Mer commanded.
We ran to the bikes and raced down the road, to save Elsa.

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