Chapter 14: Rescues and Confessions

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Elsa's POV
I woke up in a dark room, the only light being a window. I rushed to it, only to find out that there were clamps around my hands, chained to the floor. I tried using my powers to break them, but it was no use.
"They can't be broken from the inside", Pitch said walking through the door.
"Why did you bring me here?", I asked emotionless.
"Think about this Elsa, ice and darkness ruling the world together. We'd be unstoppable. Everyone would fear us", he said evilly.
"Go to hell", I said looking him straight in the eyes.
Then I felt this sharp sting across my cheek. He cut me with his claws.
"You don't get to talk to me that way", he said looking furious.
"Wanna bet?", I said just to be a smartass.
He clawed me again on my forehead.
"Say one more thing, I dare you", he said bubbling with fury.
"Ok then how about this, when me and my team capture you, your gonna be locked in an escape proof cell, where you're gonna rot until the day you die", I said as sternly as possible.
Then I suddenly felt a sharp pain in stomach, I looked down to see a knife.
"Who's gonna rot now? And to think, all you had to do was join me", Pitch said exiting the cell.
I couldn't move, I couldn't talk, I just collapsed on the cold prison floor, hoping to be found.
Jack's POV
Ok the plan was simple. Anna, Kristoff, Mer and Hiccup were gonna create a distraction, while me, Punzie and Eugene look for Elsa.
We waited a minute before going in after squad 1. We snuck into the basement, where the prison cells were kept. We looked through about ten before we heard groaning. It came from the next one over. I looked in the cell to see Elsa's back to me.
"I found her", I whispered to Punzie and Eugene.
I froze the hinges on the door and opened it quietly and rushed to Elsa.
"Elsa?", I asked when she didn't even move.
I turned her over and saw a knife stuck in her stomach, along with a pool of blood next to her. She also had two large gashes on her face. She opened her eyes and looked at me.
"J-Ja-Jack?", she said struggling.
"Shh, it's ok, you're gonna be fine", I whispered to her.
I pulled the knife out from her stomach and she quietly screamed in pain.
I broke the shackles on her hands, and picked her up to go to the bikes.
"Squad 1, we have Elsa, fallback", Punzie said into her mic.
We made it to the bikes with the whole team and raced back to the house, to save Elsa before she was gone.
Back at the house
We ran in the house and up to Elsa's room. Kristoff ran for a med kit.
"There isn't enough time", Punzie said to Kristoff.
"What??", I asked completely shocked.
"Trust me, now help me wrap my hair around her stomach", she said holding a long strand of hair.
I was confused, but did what she told me to do. Once I was done, she started singing and her hair started glowing from the roots to where it was wrapped around Elsa. She finished and I unwrapped her hair.
The stab wound was gone. She repeated the process with the the gashes on her face. After 5 minutes, she finally woke up.
"Ugh, my stomach hurts", she said holding it right where the wound once was.
"Oh, thank god you're okay", Moana said hugging her. "I'm so sorry Elsa, if I had just gone with him, this would've never happened to you".
"Moana, this could've easily been you and it is my job to protect you from him. Even if it means giving up my life". She hugged her friend, who was now tearful.
"Uhh, Jack isn't there something you want to tell Elsa?", Anna asked looking me.
"We'll leave you two alone", said Mer exiting the room with the others.
Elsa stared at me in confusion. "What is it Jack?".
I took a deep breath and looked her straight in the eyes.
"I- I like you, Elsa", I said hoping she would say it back.
"Really? I thought that you would never be interested in a girl like me", she said looking sad.
"Why would you think that?", I asked her.
"Because, I'm not really pretty enough, and I just don't understand why I can't look like the other girls, I'm also dangerous, my powers are kind of unstable". She turned her gaze away from mine.
"Elsa", I said grabbing her chin with my thumb and index finger. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. The moment you walked into the coffee shop, I knew I had to make you mine", I said to her. "I understand if you don't wanna date m-", I said being interrupted when she kissed me. It shocked me at first, but then I kissed her back. When we pulled away, she asked, "Who said I didn't wanna date you?".
I smiled and kissed her again.
We were interrupted by the sound of Elsa's phone ringing.
"It's Walt, hello?", she said answering.
"Yeah I'm ok, thanks to Jack and Punzie", she said looking over at me smiling.
"Yeah we do", she said.
"Really? We don't?", she asked sounding happy.
"Thank you so much Walt, you're the best", she said beaming.
"Bye", she hung up the phone and was excited about something.
"What?", I asked her.
"We don't have to wear our ugly disguises anymore", she said smiling.
I smiled, too. "Good cause now I get to see your beautiful face in school everyday now", I said to her, putting my hand on her cheek. She giggled.
"Come on, let's go tell the others", she said pulling my hands.
"No, can't we just stay and cuddle?", I asked sounding like a little kid.
"Tonight babe", she said winking at me.
I immediately got up followed her out of the room. We found the others starting to watch Home Alone 2, so we grabbed some popcorn and sat down. I held Elsa's hand, intertwining our fingers and she laid her head on my shoulder. I laid my head on hers.
I then noticed that Eugene and Punzie were holding hands. Wonder when they started dating?
Time skip
When the movie was done, I decided to ask them.
"When did you and Punzie start dating Eugene?", I asked him smirking.
"Wait, how did you figure it out?", he asked me.
"You two were holding hands during the movie", I answered.
"Yeah I noticed that earlier today", Elsa chimes in.
"Ok, it's true", Punzie confesses.
"Something just clicked between us", Eugene said holding her hand.
"Awww", Anna and the twins said in unison.
"Ok, let's get to bed", Mer said yawning.
Everyone went to their rooms, including me. I got changed, and once I checked the hallway to make sure it was clear, I made my way over to Elsa's room. I knocked and heard her coming to the door. She opened and she was wearing the same pajamas as before.
"Hey", she said to me.
"Hey beautiful", I said, kissing her cheek.
She walked over to her bed, and I sat beside her. She laid her head in my lap and intertwined her fingers with mine.
"You know, you look really cute when your sleepy", I said looking down at her face.
"I'm not sleepy, I'm just comfy laying here", she responded.
About 5 minutes later, she fell asleep holding my hand. I smiled at her, I brushed her cheek with the back of my hand. Her skin is softer than any cloud in the entire sky.
I moved her so her head was on my chest. I laid down, and fell asleep next to my beautiful Snowflake.

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