Chapter 12: Romance Gallore

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Elsa's POV
We all went back upstairs and I told Anna to show the boys their rooms. Once everyone was out of my room, I changed into a long sleeve crop top and booty shorts to go to bed. I picked up a book to read to make me tired. I hoped I would doze off soon, I had an extremely long and busy week. About 10 minutes later, I heard a knock at my door. I thought maybe Anna forgot to tell me something. I didn't expect to see Jack standing there. He was wearing a tight white T-shirt that showed off his broad chest, with navy blue pajama pants. And of course I'd be in a crop top and booty shorts. I blushed a little bit, good thing it was dark in this hallway.
Jack's POV
When Elsa opened the door, I was almost speechless. She had on a light blue crop top that showed off her curves, with a pair of black booty shorts. Damn, maybe I should've left it go until morning.
"Hi Jack".
"Hey, umm, can I talk to you for a little bit?", I asked nervously.
"Uhh, y-yeah", she said stammering. "Come on, I wanna show my favorite spot", she said grabbing my hand and pulling me into the elevator. She hit the button to go up and when we got off, we were on the rooftop. The moon was out, as well as a ton of stars.
"Wow, this is beautiful", I said to her.
"I know right, this is my favorite spot in the whole house", She said sitting on a swing. She motioned for me to sit down next to her. And so I sat down.
"So, what did you want to talk about?", she asked looking at me.
"Oh, I wanted to get to know you a little bit", I answered.
"Oh, well me and Anna were brought into the agency when I was 12 and Anna was 11", she started.
"Why such a young age?", I asked very puzzled.
"Our parents died from a shipwreck under mysterious circumstances and we had to live on the streets until Walt found us, he's like a father to all of us since Anna and I lost the one we had and Punzie and Merida's parents were always on business trips", she answered kind of gloomily.
"I'm sorry, Elsa, I shouldn't have asked", I said feeling bad. I started to get up, but she grabbed my hand and asked me to stay. So I did. We talked about almost everything in life. From favorite colors to different missions she's had. And then for a while we just sat in silence. Then I felt a head on my shoulder. Elsa had fallen asleep on me. I smiled at her sleeping face. I picked her up bridal style and took her back to her room. I put her in her bed and kissed her forehead. And she smiled. Man, I think I like this girl.
The Next Day
Elsa's POV
I woke up realizing what just occurred last night. Wait, how did I end up back in my bedroom? Oh well, better get ready. I took a shower, left my hair down, and did my makeup. Then I thought to myself, do I like Jack? Why would I take him to my favorite spot if I didn't like him. I opened up like a book to him about my entire life. Maybe I do like him. Today I dressed in a light blue tank top, with ripped jeans and beige ankle boots.
I went downstairs for breakfast to see Punzie and Eugene making pancakes and bacon for everyone.
"Hey guys, when did you get up?", I asked sitting down at the counter.
"Hey Els, we got up at about the same time so we made breakfast", Eugene answered.
"Wait, is Mer still asleep?", I asked hoping for a yes.
"I think so", Punzie answered.
I smirked and grabbed the air horn off the counter and ran upstairs. I could hear Punzie and Eugene laughing.
I sneaked into Merida's room and got right next to her ear with the horn and pushed the button. She jolted awake and saw me running out of her room.
"Elsa!!!", she screamed as I heard her chasing me.
I ducked inside what I thought was a spare bedroom when I realized, it was being occupied. By Jack. It looked like he was getting dressed because he only had his pants on. I blushed at the sight of him being shirtless. And oh my god, he has a freakin six pack.
"Are you okay Elsa, why were you running?", he asked staring at me with curious eyes.
"Let's just say I got back at Merida. She got a wake up call in the form of an air horn", I said smirking.
He laughed.
Then we heard knocking at the door.
"Who is it?", Jack asked.
"It's Merida, is Elsa in there?!?".
I looked at Jack with wide eyes.
"No, I haven't seen her yet this morning", he said winking at me. I smiled sympathetically.
"Ok, see you downstairs", she said as we heard her walking away.
"Thanks", I said.
"No problem, I always love a good prank", he said putting on a light blue T-shirt. "Now let's get you downstairs", he said putting an arm around my shoulder as we walked out of his room.
At the end of the hallway we saw Merida coming.
"I knew you were lying!", she yelled down the hallway at us.
We ran the opposite way, heading for the stairs. We were almost down when I tripped on a stair. I braced myself for the impact, but it never came. Instead I felt an arm around my waist holding me up. I was set up right, looking into the beautiful blue eyes of Jack Frost.
"Ahem", I heard coming from the kitchen. I look over and see Punzie smirking at us. Eugene copying her.
I backed up a bit from Jack and he let go of my waist. I immediately missed the feeling of his arm.
We went over to the counter and sat next to each other.
"You mind telling us what that was all about", Eugene asked us.
"So I explained everything that happened in the last 10 minutes, from me blowing the horn in Merida's ear to what happened just now.
"I can't believe you actually did it", Punzie said sounding surprised.
I looked up at her and said, "Why wouldn't I, for the amount of times she's done it to me, she had it coming to her".
I heard Jack chuckle next to me. I can't get enough of that voice.
Moana's POV
I woke up to the smell of breakfast. I quickly did my hair and threw on an orange tank top and gray sweatpants and headed down stairs with Naomi, to find everyone else there.
I noticed Jack and Elsa sitting next to each other, chatting up a storm, Punzie and Eugene were making breakfast, Anna and Kristoff were watching something on YouTube, and Mer and Hiccup were playing video games.
"Hey, when did you guys wake up?", Elsa asked looking at us.
"When she smelled the food", Naomi answered walking down the stairs with me.
Everyone laughed.
We walked down the stairs arm in arm.
"So sis, you excited for today", Naomi asked.
"What about today?".
"Oh my god, Anna, Punzie, Moana doesn't remember what today is".
Both girls gasped and raced upstairs. When they came back, they were holding the outfit that... They picked for my date!!
"Oh my god, I cannot believe I forgot about my date", I said to them.
"So what time is he coming for you?", Punzie asked.
"5:00", I answered.
"Oh good, that's plenty of time for us girls to work on you", Naomi said to me smiling.
Time skip - At 3:30
I took a shower and blow dried my hair, waiting for the girls any minute now.
"Moana, are you ready to be prettified?", Anna asked bursting through the door.
"Yep", I said sitting at my vanity.
"I'll do her hair", Punzie said plugging in her straightening iron.
"I'll go get her outfit", Anna said running out the door.
"I'll find some accessories for you to wear", Mer said looking through a box they brought in.
"So, what kind of makeup do you want girlfriend?", Elsa asked me.
"Could you do a Smokey eye?", I asked her.
"Yeah, eyeliner and mascara, too?".
I nodded.
"Ok, we'll wait for Anna first with the outfit, so you don't ruin your makeup with your shirt", Elsa said getting the products out a while.
As if on cue, Anna burst through the door with the outfit. "Here, go put it on", she said rushing me into the bathroom.
When I finished putting it on, I felt beautiful. The shirt was tight without it being constricting, the pants clung to my body showing off my curves, and the shoes were pretty yet comfy and easy to walk in.
"Aww, Mo, you look so pretty", my twin said with tearful eyes.
"Naomi your crying", I said hugging her.
"I've only been alive for 2 months and I've never felt this kind of emotion, leave me alone", she said wiping her tears away. "Okay, let's get you ready".
Time skip - At 4:50
"Thank you girls so much, l love it", I said looking in the mirror.
Punzie straightened my hair and did one of those sleek high ponytails where you wrap a piece of hair around the rubber band. And my sunset weave made it look so freakin cool.
Elsa did a beautiful Smokey eye, with liner and mascara. She added a cherry red gloss and sealed with setting spray.
Mer picked out gold stud earrings, my red alert ring along with my opal and diamond ones, a silver chain choker with five little stars that dangled off it and a black mini backpack.
"You look beautiful Moana", Punzie said smiling.
"Wait, something's missing", Naomi said leaving the room only to return seconds later with an elastic headband. Half of it of black elastic and the other half was made of diamonds and in the middle of the diamond rows were more diamonds that formed hearts.
"Oh Naomi it's beautiful", I said examining it in my hands.
"I know, that's why I'm letting you wear it", she said putting it on my head, careful not to ruin my makeup or hair.
"Thank you Naomi", I said grateful.
"No problem sis, now let's go show the guys", she said walking arm in arm with Naomi.
We all walked out to the boys, who were all very impressed with their work.
"So who did what?", Jack asked me.
"Punzie did her hair, Merida picked out the accessories, Anna and Punzie picked out the outfit, Elsa did her makeup and I adorned my favorite diamond headband to my very beautiful and lovely twin sister", Naomi told the boys.
We heard the doorbell.
The girls gasped and rushed to answer the door.
I wasn't about to let them get the chance. I hopped on the rail, slid down it and did a flip to reach the door first. I turned and smirked at the girls who all had eyes wider than a owl's. I opened the door to see Dimitri, was dressed in a maroon button up short sleeve shirt with black jeans and black high top shoes, holding a small bouquet of red roses.
"Hey", I said to him.
"Hey, you look gorgeous", he said checking me out.
I heard the girls saying 'Aww' to us. I blushed and said thank you.
"These are for you", he said handing me the roses.
"Thank you. They're beautiful", I said smelling them.
"You might want to leave them here though, we'll be traveling by bike", he said motioning to his motorbike.
I handed the roses to Punzie and left holding his hand. He helped me on his bike, I waved bye to the girls, and we left.
I held onto his waist put my head on his back. I didn't ever want to leave this position.
??? POV
So, Moana is going on a date and the agents aren't going to be there. This is just the break I needed to capture her. "Nightmares, we're going on a date".

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